Chapter 2 - Nostalgia

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Chapter 2

Fudge my life. Why? God. No. Holy Shite. I was blushing furiously. I didn't know what to do. I wasn't expecting to see him here, of all places. But, despite that, Thank you! Thank you! All hail to whoever sent this good looking guy to me. My bisexual feels were tingling. I'm panicking inside. All I did was look down on my notebook as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. I didn't care about the ball that they were passing around anymore. I just tried to hit it when it went towards my direction.

Our teacher finished writing the course outline and as she turned around, she was impressed that we didn't let the ball fall. She took the ball back and the class sighed in unison. I was still distracted by the blonde guy in front of me. I thought that the airport scene was the last time I would ever see him, but apparently I was mistaken. He loves me so much that he wants to follow me around. Yeah, that's it.

"Okay, class. I am Ms. White and I am your biology teacher for this semester." Our teacher introduced herself and added, "This will be your final biology course for your whole high school life, so we have great expectations that you need to satisfy and you know very well that you need this in order to get into university."

I felt my insides clench. I forgot that I have to apply for university because I'm graduating this year. I have to leave blondie in front of me. I hope we go to the same university, and we will love each other forever and we will make very beautiful babies. Dang, on point.

My teacher went on and on about how she will distribute our grades, and afterwards she started our first unit, the nervous system. She said, "We will be discussing the nervous system. What I want you to do is list everything you know about the nervous system, and if you don't know the term, just make one up. We learn from our mistakes."

I was excited for our first unit because I'm really interested when it comes to human physiology and I dream of practicing medicine when I get into university. I wrote down everything I remember. I have a pretty good memory, but I'm just a B+ student. I want to strive to become a straight A student, but I don't think that I will get anything straight, even my sexuality. What?

"If you are done, you can turn to a seatmate and show them your answers. If he or she does not have your answer, explain it. You may learn from them as well." She said.

When I was done, I looked at it once more. I felt satisfied, but I did not want to share my answers with anyone... Okay, I do but I did not want to talk to the guy in front of me. I must avoid him as much as possible. I must be a ninja and hide, but I guess I was too late. When he was finished, he turned around and saw me.

"Hi, I'm Justin, and you-" He stopped mid-sentence when he realized who I was.

My eyes bulged and my face immediately turned red. I looked down on my notes and tried to hide myself. I hope he would just go away and not give a damn about me, but again, that did not work.

"Hey, you look vaguely familiar. Have we met before?" Justin asked.

I looked up at him. His eyes were a blue maelstrom that attracted me even more. He's fairly thin, and I think that he is really tall, but I couldn't tell because we were sitting down.

"Um... I - " I stuttered and continued, "I don't think we have." Renz, you big liar.

"Wait." He held his chin and started scratching it. He looked upwards in a thinking gesture then he looked at me with realization in his face and said, "You're the guy that bumped into me at the airport! Damn, you were screaming pretty loudly back then."

If I wasn't blushing earlier, I was for sure blushing after he remembered what happened. He was laughing and he turned red. I felt really embarrassed and just stared at him in confusion.

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