Chapter 4 - Ecstasy

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Chapter 4

I was getting ready for my date. I mean, for the party. Yeah, that’s right.

I don’t know if I should be excited for this. I’m happy that Justin is going to drive me to Francine’s house, but that’s like driving me to my doom because I know that her boyfriend is waiting for me there to throw me back to hell. I don’t even know what to do.

As I was scanning through my set of tops when my phone vibrated in my black skinny jeans. I took it out and noticed that Justin left me a message, I opened it and said.

Are you ready yet? I’ll be there in five, so be ready. I don’t like to wait.

I grinned as I replied to him

Of course. I won’t make you wait, your most holy hiney-ness.

I threw my phone on my bed as I took out a blue, plaid button-up shirt. I got my phone and my wallet as I rushed up the stairs to the first floor when my mother shouted from the kitchen.

“Going somewhere, honey?”

“I’m going to a party. I’m not going to be too late.”

“Okay. How are you going to get there?” She asked.

“My friend is going to drive me there.”

Friend?” she gasped and added, “Okay, be careful. Just be safe and don’t let anyone up in there.”

I knew what she was talking about and I rolled my eyes. My phone started vibrating and I looked at it. Justin was calling me. I rushed to my mother and kissed her on the cheek. “Goodbye, mother ship.”

She just smiled and said, “Remember, you don’t want your butt to loosen its hold. You don’t want your excretions to just come down in the middle of nowhere.”

I just rolled my eyes once more and exited the house. Justin was honking his car and I just ran straight to it and telling him, “Sh… I don’t want my neighbors to call the police and arrest everyone in my household!”

“Hello to you too, ass wipe. Hop on.”

I just stared at him. I made my way to the other side and sat next to him as we drove off to Francine’s. Half of the car ride was engulfed in deafening silence but Justin broke it by asking, “So, how did you come to know Francine?”

“I never knew her before I saw her in my Chemistry class. She just asked me if I wanted to go to her party since I’m new here. I just said yes because it’s a great opportunity to meet other people as well.”

He looked at me and went back to looking at the road.

“Well, there’s your neighborhood whore that wants all the attention.” He said as he chuckled and added, “And, are you not satisfied with me as your friend?”

I was surprised by his question and it caught me off guard. Sure, he looks cute, but I didn’t feel anything for him. I’m just that guy who looks at someone’s looks and teasingly flings them, and sometimes that’s how I make friends. Maybe he had feelings for me?

I just shrugged the thought off and replied, “Well, you’re one of my first friends, but I need to have other friends too, you know. And by the looks of it, you’re friends with half of the student body.”

He smiled and said, “Well, that’s what you get for being active in school. I’m in theatre and band, so I have lots of connections.”

“What are you going to say next? You’re the star of the football team and you’re a straight A student?” I teased him.

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