He nodded in appreciation, sending me a small smile before making his way to where I had directed him while I continued my previous job of cleaning things up. A good 10 minutes passed of almost complete silence in the store, which was actually quite relaxing, before I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see the source, only to see the boy who looked quite a lot like my childhood friend standing before me with an outfit in his arms that was much too big for his small frame. "Do you happen to have this in my size?" His voice was meek, but he kept solid eye contact with me, and it looked as if he was trying to figure something out. "Let me check the back room and see" I stated, retreating to the back and making my way to where we keep men's clothes before going through the piles.

'Maybe he recognizes me and is trying to figure out if I'm who he thinks I am? No, I'm being ridiculous. There's no way he remembers me from all those years ago. But then again, I remember him...' my thoughts were running free now that I was alone, not giving my mind a rest as it was in auto drive trying to find out if the boy in the boutique really was Oscar. After a few minutes of searching, I finally found the exact outfit he was looking for in his size and picked it up, returning to where the boy stood, staring at the cork board with pictures of me and my co-workers that we had put up.

"You're lucky, we had one in stock pretty well hidden in there." The brunette is visibly startled by my sudden appearance, once he realizes it's just me he takes a deep breath and joins me at the counter to check out. "So, I can see you aren't from around here, how do you like it in Argus?" The question slipped from my mouth casually, catching the boy by surprise as I scanned the item and typed for a few seconds on the cash register. "Oh! Um, it's actually really nice here. My childhood friend moved here years ago, and whenever we would write to each other she would talk about how beautiful it is here, and she wasn't kidding. You seem like you're about the right age to know her, her name's (y/n) (l/n)." His words made me 100% certain of the identity of the boy in front of me.

Oscar Pine, the boy whom I had a crush on as a small child. The boy who was there for me when I sprained my ankle when we were 5. "Well, looks like you're just in luck. I happen to know (y/n) very well, and she just so happens to be me." The smile on my face broadened along with his, eyes slightly widened in shock. "How've you been, Oscar?" These simple words caused a few tears to roll down his cheeks as he walked around the counter and wrapped me in a warm and loving embrace. The action screamed more words than either of them dared to speak, but they both knew what the other was thinking.

About a minute later, the childhood friends pulled away, realizing that Oscar still had to pay for his outfit. "Oh my god, I don't have any of my Lien with me, I'll go back and get it, I'll be right back!" He exclaimed in a panic, ready to rush out the doors before I called out for him to stop. "Don't wordy about it, it's my treat, take it." I smiled, grabbing a wad of the Lien out of my pocket and counting before placing the needed amount in the drawer and putting the rest back in it's original spot.

"No no, I couldn't ask you to do that. We haven't seen each other in years, it would be impolite!" Oscar replied, still freaking out just as much as he had been before, causing me to laugh. "Too late! It's been done and there's nothing you can do about it other than take this outfit and meet up with me later this week for breakfast before you have to go!" I began folding the clothing neatly before sliding the items into a bag and handing it to Oscar. "But, I might not be here by then..." he trailed off, looking as if he felt guilty for some reason. "Oh, that's alright! What about lunch tomorrow? Would that work for you?" I crossed my arms over my chest as I held steady eye contact with him, causing him to nod rapidly with a slightly reddened face.

"Great! It's a date then!" My declaration only seemed to fluster him further as he stuttered to get out an answer. "A-a d-date?! You mean like, a date-date?" His question made me laugh once more as I gently and playfully pushed him with one arm. "If you mean like the fruit, no. A date as in you and me going out and having fun together as a little more than just friends." I explained, embarrassing Oscar as he looked down at his feet and told me he'd see me tomorrow while exiting the boutique. "You better!"

A couple minutes later, I got a text on my scroll from my co-worker, letting me know that she was sick and to just close up early. I replied with a "get well soon" and confirming that I'd do as she said while closing up early. As I was doing so, the bell on the door rung, followed by the clicking of heels on the tile floor that was slowing becoming louder as it got closer to me. "I'm sorry miss, but we're closing early today, you can come back tomorrow though!" I stated, the person soon coming into sight and revealing the fact that she is a tall woman with short blonde hair and sharp, piercing onyx colored eyes. "Oh, I'm not worried about that." She spoke, her voice oozing confidence but also mischief and mystery at the same time, making me keep my guard up as I was put on edge.

"Well I am, you need to leave." I demanded with more authority than before, which made the woman merely smirk, as if finding amusement in my words. "Aw, now isn't that cute? You, a defenseless little girl think you can boss me around? Priceless. Now, I can to ask you, do you happen to know a certain boy named Oscar Pine?" No matter how much I fought against it, my honest answer is was came out of my mouth "yes".

"Hmm.. thought so. Are you two close?"

"Yeah, we were best friends when we were younger and we just reunited for the first time in years" another involuntarily honest answer. 'What is happening? Why can't I lie to her?' My thoughts were racing as I looked into her eyes, realizing that her eyes were glowing a dull red color, making everything click in my head. It must've shown on my face that I had realized what she was doing because she immediately began speaking.

"Ah, you're smarter than I thought. You already caught onto what my semblance is haven't you? It's quite useful for interrogations don't you think? Being able to control whether someone lies or tells the truth is truly amazing. Maybe not in battle, but situations like these make it all worth it." The woman's smile became unsettling as she stepped closer. Too close for comfort as I ended up backing myself into a corner.

"Aw~, where'd all that confidence go that you had? It'd be a shame if you just gave up without a fight." She towered over me, standing about a foot above me and staring down at my small frame. "I'm sure my Mistress will be very happy to have some leverage over dear Oz don't you think sweetie?" And after that, my entire world went black....

Mystery Woman's Outfit:

Let me know in the comments if you would like a part two to see what happens yo the reader!

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Let me know in the comments if you would like a part two to see what happens yo the reader!

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