They did stuff like this all the time! They'd always forget about her! Anger ignited through making her blood like magma.

She paced to and fro a million times until she heard the door open. She turned angrily to her family who look at her confused.

"Alyson? what are you doing here?" Her mother asked.

"You guys left me! What do you mean what am I doing here?" Alyson asks her voice deadly calm.

"Alyson, don't start with me today," her mother said tiredly.

"Don't start?" Alyson asks clicking her tongue lightly and her body going into fight mode.

"Yes, now everyone go upstairs, and do your homework," their mother ordered. Everyone except Alyson left. Clarie Archerson started down her daughter, whose eyes gleamed with such anger it made her shudder slightly.

"Alyson, honestly," her mother says warily.

"You left me! Again! That's like the tenth time this month! I know you have nine kids but who are you counting twice? Because of it sure as hell ain't me!" Alyson says her voice filled with a harsh edge.

"I'm sorry you and your siblings look so similar," she said.

"Bullshit! I'm the only one who doesn't have your platinum blonde hair! Plus mine is curly as hell and everyone else's hair is straight. How do you confuse me with anyone in this family?" Alyson said finally letting her pain be heard.

"Well, I'm sorry okay," she snaps.

"Sorry won't fix this mother! I took your sorry the first million times now I'm extremely upset and to me, it looks like you don't want me in your family!" Alyson said and silence filled the room.

"That's exactly what it is, isn't it? I should've figured it out sooner," Alyson said her eyes filling with tears.

"No, Alyson honey," her mom starts but Alyson cuts her off by running up to her room and slams the door roughly her Father looks at her harshly as he leans over Oliva's shoulder helping her with homework.

"I'm taking a shower," She mutters at she grabs thing to do so. In the shower, she releases her tears that she'd be holding in all these years. Alyson looked at her arms and took notice of the fading lines on them and the ones still fresh. She started to reach to make another but felt something inside her scream no and she faltered unable to do it.

After her shower Alyson when in her shared room with Oliva and Lillian. The two were doing some homework they were assigned. Alyson didn't have any homework since she'd just graduated last week and her family completely forgot and missed the whole thing. She decided to take a gap year to help on the farm.

The snickering of her sister made Alyson's blood curl even more and she shot out of bed and over to her window.

"Alyson, what are you doing?"Lillian asked her eyes getting wide.

"What's it look like? I'm climbing out the window dumbass," Alyson snapped. They gasped Alyson had always been nice to them and treated them like a good big sister should.

"That was rude, Alyson," Oliva said as she comforted the now weeping Lillian.

"I don't give a fuck," Alyson said speaking honestly for once as her feet made contact with the roof. She walked down the incline carefully and then lowered herself over the edge until her feet caught hold of something. Securing her feet she let go of the roofing and balanced on the tree branch her feet had found. From there she swung off the branch onto the ground and started walking toward the edge of their property where the forest was.

There was a particular place she knew of. She made time quickly and by the time she's got there, it was already dark out, even better. She found the clearing with ease and plopped down on the soft grass.

Every star was clear in the sky from here, only here did she feel completely at ease. She felt like she could really be herself here. Everywhere else she was just someone's sister. Here she was her own person and didn't have to worry about being something else. She counted the stars until she fell into a soft slumber.

She woke up to the harsh sound a twig snapping. She bolted upright.

"Who's out there?" She said immediately regretting her words once she heard footsteps start to come closer to her. She scrambled to her feet and searched the area for a weapon. She came up empty-handed. She swore under her breath. She knew the steps were getting closer but she couldn't tell where they were coming from.

Then she saw a pair of large beady eyes staring at her in the darkness. She gulped and started backing away slowly. The eyes looked oddly human and not human at the same time.

"Stay away from me," Alyson warned warily. She could've sworn it gave a low noise a mixture of a laugh and a growl. Her body shook with such horror she almost fell backwards. She heard another noise from behind her. Now she's trapped.

The thing stepped out of the shadow and Alyson froze as she saw the beast. It stood on its hind legs like a human but looked like a wolf that had been stretched out like a medieval torture device. She felt more disgust than horror now. The first beast growled and sprung at her she moved just enough to not get attacked by the creature. She decided this was not the time to stand and watch.

She turned around abruptly and fled the scene. But again another beast came out of the forest and this one jumped at her and missed her by centimetres. She screamed as the other two came closer. The three of them all jumped at her and she went prone hoping they would collide with each other. Her plan succeeded until one of them ripped her hoodie but didn't make contact with her skin. She breath caught in her lungs as she rolled away from the three beasts.

How many of these fuckers are there? Alyson thought as she avoided them again and tried to escape yet again only for another one to show up. There's now four of these men wolves and one of her. She was screwed.

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