"Shit! Sorry Mikasa!" He whisper shouted, "Shit Shit Shit!"

"E-Eren it's fine"


"Eren, it's fine"

He slowly sat down, and continued eating.

Mikasa gave a slight sigh, and continued eating.

After they were finished, Eren paid and they walked out.

"Mikasa I'm really sorry about that just happened, I don't know what happened.. I- I'll make it up to you somehow" He said, clasping her hand in between his.

"Eren, don't worry about it. It's not that big of a deal. It's just water"

"I should've been more careful though.."

"Eren, You're fine, I'm fine, It's not like it was boiling"

He just sighed, letting go of her hands.


They kept walking, before Eren pulled her into a different building.

She screamed slightly at the really sudden movement, and nearly fell. Once she regained her composure, she looked at where she was.

there was a sea of heads surrounding them, along with obnoxious yelling. Mikasa immediately grabbed Erens arm, locking hers around it tightly.

"E-Eren? What are we doing here?"

He just shrugged. "It looked cool, I wanted to check it out"

"Well.. can we go?"

"What? Why?" She asked her, still looking around

"Eren you know I hate crowds.."

He looked at her for a second, then inhaled sharply.

"Dammit, I'm sorry Mikasa, I completely forgot"

By this point, Mikasa was starting to lose interests. This wasn't how she'd thought he'd act, but she decided to stay with him, to see if it gets any better.

They left the building, and continued walking around. She still kept a hold on his arm while she calmed down.

"Mikasa, are you okay?"

"Yeah.. I guess" She said, letting go of his arm.

"Let's go somewhere where we can be alone, sounds good?"

She nodded, and followed Eren, who was jogging, what seemed to her aimlessly.

He walked up to a slightly hidden path in the forest, and began making his way through it, pushing branches and bushes out of his way. Mikasa just looked at Eren.

"You coming?"

"I don't want to wreck the dress"

Eren walked over to her, holding out his hand for her to grab.

"Oh what, holding your hand is just supposed to magically keep the dress from catching the branches and all that?"

"Quit being stubborn, just take my hand"

"If this dress gets wrecked so help me.." She took his hand.

Eren hoisted her up, and began carrying her, going to the other side. He stepped into an open area, and he put her back down.

Mikasa looked around. It was a large patch of grass, with a small spring in it.


"Sh.. I gotta say some stuff."


"those mess ups, me spilling the drink, the crappy clothes, crowded place, were just to see if you stay with me even if I messed up a lot, turns out you will."

"Of course I will, you're a great.."

"great what?" Eren asked, taking a step towards her

She signs, hunching over, before straightening herself again.

"What even are we?"

"Really good friends? I guess, I don't know, why"

Mikasa looks him, with a "really" kind of look.

"Oh! I assume you wanted to know whether or not we were a couple, well, I don't know. Just because we go on a date doesn't mean we're boyfriend/girlfriend. You know?"

"I guess.." She said, looking away.

Eren closes his eyes, and sighs.

"Mikasa, will be you be my girlfriend"

She looks up at him, and smiles,


"Great" Eren said, opening his arms for a hug. "Let's just start out small, hugs for now alright"

Mikasa nods, and leans into him. Eren enclosed his arms around her, and Mikasa felt safer than she had in a long time. She smiled

"Hey Mikasa?" Eren asked

"Yes Eren?"

"You looked really good tonight"

"Thanks Eren"

"Hey Mikasa"

"Yes Eren"

"I'm glad we can be together"

"I am too"


"Swear to god Eren, one more word out of you i'm going to punch you"

"Ok sorry"

"Eren what did I just say"

"No please"

There another chapter done. Sorry for the shit show of an ending, I just don't know what else to put in. aight kbye

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