Chapter #18

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A/N Welcome back you beautiful people, the picture above is just a little reward and thank you for all your patience and loyalty, maybe it's Aurora... Or just a really beautiful pic. 🐯

Aurora's Pov

My eyes were shut but that didn't stop me from feeling the world gyrating around me like I was in a hamster ball holding onto the walls.

I had no idea what time it was but judging from the soothing coolness that came from the nearby window I'd say it was nighttime.

I'm pretty sure I was lying in the school infirmary once again, but I refused to open my eyes for even a second.

I was half scared that the first face I'd be introduced to was Dylan's, after all, it was the last thing I remember seeing before passing out... I think.

"I know you're awake!" A feminine voice trampled my eardrums.

My eyes shot open and darted straight to the source of this shriek.


"How did you know I was awake?" I asked, not that I was really surprised.

"I'm your roomie." Was all I got back as a response.

I sat up in attempt to stop the world from spinning.

"So, what are you here for this time?" Alexis quirked her neck towards me.


The recent events from hours ago began to come back, I remembered flying with Jewel, I remembered talking with Mr Cue a bit, I remembered Twilight... Or Nix rather...

"Nothing important."

I was about to start recapping the whole thing when Dylan walked in like last time, interrupting just in the nick of time.

I officially hate deja vu!

"She just overexerted herself during her dragon training again." Dylan tried to explain, but when he looked my way I knew he knew what really happened.

"Again?!" Alexis complained beside me. "Elsa, you need to be more careful next time! I can't keep coming here every time I hear you've been hurt!"

"...Yes you can." I smirked.

"Well I won't be here the next time you hurt yourself!" She pouted her lips and puffed her cheeks in the most adorable way.

"...Yes you will." I let my smile grow and stare at her in silence for like half a minute, waiting for her to break from her tough, older sister act.

" Fine, you win!" She sighed and gave me a side hug.

That's my Alex, always by my side.

"Thanks." I whispered in her ear.

"Ahem!" Dylan loudly cleared his throat on purpose, I rolled my eyes and let go of Alexis. "If you're quite done, Aurora and I need to talk."

"Fine, fine, I'm leaving! Go talk about dragons and fire and stuff!" She quickly ducked into my ear again and whispered. "Or something else."

She winked slyly at me and I felt my cheeks heat up a bit.

"Bye, Alex!" I whacked her arm.

She giggled and quickly faded from sight, blending with the room but I still heard her footsteps leave the room.

"Is she gone?" Dylan asked.

"Can't you tell?"

"Honestly, I can't." He began to smile but quickly suppressed it. "I think we have something else to talk about."

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