Chapter #6

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A/N Happy New Yeah peeps...  Anyway, enjoy the chapter and once again, I'm really sorry.

Aurora's Pov

They wouldn't stop fighting, they kept throwing each other onto the ground and exchanging punches, their blood trickled down to my feet, I couldn't move, I was petrified. I couldn't talk, he slowly stood up and held the dagger close to my throat, his eyes flashed a yellow colour at me, almost illuminating his whole face. His face was impossible to see, I felt my stomach somersault, my breathing got heavy and difficult.

He stood there taking in my appearance.

"W- Who are you?" I forced the words out of my mouth. He didn't answer, he never spoke. He then rose up the dagger and struck me hard.

"GAH!" I sprung out of bed. "I will find you".

I was so glad it was morning, my heart thumped non stop. When would these nightmares end, when would I have a good nights sleep.
Alexis was glued in front of the TV with Kita, they probably didn't hear me wake up. They were still watching Attack on Titans, I calmed myself and pushed my hair out of my face, I should have braided it, it was all over my face, I pushed the sides behind my ears and got up.

Alexis was explaining something to Kita while they watched Frozen. It was Saturday and I had nothing to do. I looked up at the clock, it read 11:21 am. I overslept.

"Alexis, why didn't you wake me up? I overslept."

"You were looking so peaceful, I thought I'd let you enjoy your dream."

"Dream? Have you ever known me to have a good dream, I was having another nightmare."

"Oh, sorry."

"Don't be, it's not your fault. What are you two doing?" I asked.

"I've been showing Kita how things around here work and introduced her to Anime, she loves it!"

"Did anyone else come into this room?"

"Yeah, Stacy came to give us this." She reached for the centre table and gave me a decorated paper.

"Scarlet's throwing a party for her 18th birthday. Why did she invite me?"

"Don't know, but it's not just any party, keep reading" she said.

I kept tracing the words down until I noticed what she was talking about.

"It's a costume party, and it's on Friday".

"Yes, and it's gotten me super excited. You're going right?"


"Why not?" She pried.

"I don't have a costume" I answered.

"Is that all?" She went down the passage way and opened the closet that contained her Anime costumes. She's not the only one who loves Anime, sometimes she gets invited to some events with her friends and they wear according to whatever Seasonal they're celebrating.

She came back holding a long blue gown, it had long tight sleeves, a transparent blue cape and snowflakes all around it.

"You can't be serious!" I yelled.

"I am" she dropped it on my bed.

I sat beside it and laced my fingers around it. It was so silky soft and elegant and beautiful.

"You're giving me an Elsa costume? Where did you get this?" I asked.

"AnimeCon, we trade costumes sometimes and when I saw that one, I knew it would look perfect on you."

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