Chapter #12

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A/N Before we begin this chapter, I just want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who read this book so far. I will never stop thanking you. And lastly thank you for helping me reach over a THOUSAND reads already, I mean wow!

Before I bore you all to death with my constant flapping, don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, SHARE and ENJOY.

Songs I listened to:

Safe and Sound by Different Heaven. (Seriously, try it!).

Good Karma by XO-IQ, Make it Pop.

Poker Face by Lady Gaga.

Friday Night by XO-IQ, Make it Pop.

Echoes by LFZ. (Also Great).

I have really weird taste in music, lol. I just like anything that's upbeat and loud. I don't really have a favorite musician/band or anything... Good songs can come from anyone.

Aurora's Pov

I stared at the beautiful Central Dome before me with wide eyes. The roof was hundreds of feet high, tall enough to ride dragons.  The building structure was ancient, with stone blocks as the walls, just as the room we had come from, and a beautiful glass skylight at the top that showed the clear, cloudless sky. My hands shook with excitement.

Then Dylan cleared his throat loudly at me which broke me from my daze.

"Did you listen to anything I just said?" He asked annoyed.

I didn't realize he was talking, I must have not noticed.

"Um, no." I shook my head.

"These are the reins, you pull left to lean left and pull right to lean right. Then pull both reins backwards to stop, pull upwards to go higher and pat the head to go lower." He spoke almost too quickly as he went about securing rope and metal pieces onto the dragon."Oh, and kick the sides to take off. It's not that hard, is it?"

"I guess." I shrugged and stared at him as he fixed the reins and saddled up his dragon. "What are you doing?"

"Saddling up, we're going for a ride." He didn't turn to face me but kept prepping the dragon. My eyes went wide again.

"Isn't that a little too ahead for a first lesson?" I asked.

"Do you want to learn or not?" He scoffed angrily. I could tell this teaching wasn't going to go well.

He finished securing everything and climbed onto the dragon's large back. I was surprised at how silent it had been throughout everything. She must be properly trained.

"Come on." He offered me his hand from above the dragon.

But I didn't move from where I stood, I immediately had cold feet.

"Umm..." I eyed the dragon carefully before looking back at him.

"She won't bite you, if that's what your wondering." At his words, his dragon faced me from where she sat and her face went calm.

I slowly inched closer and placed my hand on her scaly body, it was very hard and well armoured, but I could tell by her moaning that she had felt it.

My face went sour with the thought of flying so high on her back.

"How about I just watch first?" I suggested.

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes. "Hyah!"

Following what he had told me earlier, he jabbed his feet at either sides of the dragon and immediately her wings stretched wide, it was so wide I had to back away a few steps to avoid being hit or blown away.

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