f i f t e e n

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"This is boring!" Kara said, throwing her hands up in the air. "I can't just sit around all day it's stupid."

Mon El rolled his eyes at her as he finished tucking the blankets around her legs.

"What if I have to go to the bathroom?" she protested as a last effort.

"Call for Natalia, she'll help."

Natalia was the nurse assigned to take care of Kara at home. She had protested against staying at the hospital so much that Alex and the doctor together decreed that she could recuperate at home as long as a nurse was around.

Kara had calmed down a lot. She was quickly becoming more accepting about the loss of her baby, reasoning that she was fortunate to already four children.

Avery knocked on the door. She didn't have school because of parent teacher conferences today, so Kara had suggested they make a girls day out of it.

"Hi mommy," she said.

"Hey baby girl," Kara replied motioning for Avery to give her a hug.

Avery wrapped her arms around Kara loosely, as if she was afraid to hurt her. Kara noticed this, and smiled, it was cute.

"So what movie do you wanna watch Aves?"

"Little Mermaid!"

"Can you hand me the remote baby girl?"

Avery nodded, passing the remote over. Kara pressed the button to turn on the movie, and the two immersed themselves in their favorite.


"Lena, please tell me whats wrong." 

James and her were lying side by side in bed. It was still pretty early in the morning, and she had said she was feeling sick.

"Do you need to go to the doctor?" he asked once more.

"It's just stress," she mumbled, before making a run for the bathroom.

She made it just in time. He stroked her hair gently. "Lena." He helped her drink some water and tucked her back into bed.

Her watery eyes met his calm and collected ones as he laid a hand on her shoulder.

"James. I- I'm pregnant."

His face lit up with joy, and he kissed her.

She broke away from his kiss and started crying. 

"James it's triplets."

"What?" he said in shock, glancing up and down at her, and for the first time, he noticed her little bump.

She had stopped wearing tight clothing, but he hadn't taken much notice of that. Now it all made sense.

"James this is so risky. If everything goes the way I think it will, I'm going to end up miscarrying anyway."

"Lena, no," he whispered, laying a hand on her abdomen. 

"I'm sorry James. I can't give you what you've longed for,"

"Enough Lena," his voice low. His expression softened. "Stress is bad for the babies."

She half laughed half cried. 

"What? It's true?"

"Did you read those baby books we bought before we lost peanut?" she asked.

He nodded. Peanut was the nickname they had given the first baby they lost. She had made it till week twelve before she lost the baby. It had been a boy they found out later. A son they never got.

"Lena, I love you, you've made me so happy."

Lena turned her eyes to the sheet, picking at her cuticles. "James, I need to go to work."

"Okay, has the doctor given you a go ahead?"

She nodded. "Until week 15."

He nodded, pressing his lips to her forehead. 

"Bet?" she questioned.

"Two boys, one girl."

"One boy, two girls," she countered.

"By the way," he said. "I had narrowed a few names down the first time."

She smiled as he handed her a sheet of paper. 

"Read this on your way to work," he whispered. She kissed him on the cheek before she slipped off to go get ready. 

Later, in the car, she unfolded the sheet of paper and smiled. 


So some people have messaged me, wanting to see a Supercorp and/or Melwood story. Let me know what you think, I have some pretty cool ideas.

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