t h i r t e e n

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This is part one of Lena's story. Part two will be in chapter fourteen.

The week before Kara's accident

Lena sat nervously on the edge of her bed, pushing a few strands of damp, jet black hair away from her face.

Two more minutes.

Time crept by agonizingly slow as she tried to keep her breathing steady.

One minute.

She poured herself some water, forcing the liquid down. Breath. She told herself.

Just breath.

Her timer dinged, and she stood up to retrieve the test.

She glanced at the white stick in her hand. Yes, there was definitely two lines on it.

Pregnant. She could be pregnant! She was elated.

Leaving the test on the counter she walked to the mirror, placing two hands on her stomach. It was still flat, but there was a baby in there.

Hands shaking she reached for the phone. It was still early in the evening so the doctors office was still open.

"Hi, I'd like to make an appointment tomorrow. I think I might be pregnant."

She listened to the response on the other side. 

"Yes nine thirty works great, thank you so much. Hope you have a wonderful evening."


She missed James that night terribly. He had to travel, and wouldn't be back till Friday. It was Tuesday night. 

Her hand reached to his side of the bed, feeling the cold, silk sheets. Even her job required a lot of traveling, just two weeks ago she had come back from Beijing.

Her eyes soon struggled to stay open and she drifted back to sleep. It seemed she had slept for  mere moments when her alarm went off at eight.

She pulled herself out of bed and took a hot shower. The water felt so good on her tense muscles that she wanted to stay in forever but couldn't, she had an appointment to get to.

She dressed in a dark blue blouse and black dress pants, straightening her hair. She did her skin care routine, applied some makeup, and put on her lowest heels. She ate eggs on toast for breakfast, and a cup of decaf coffee. 

She applied some red lipstick in the hallway mirror, and took the elevator down to her car. She was driven to the doctors office, which was in the wing of a women's care hospital she had donated money to many times before.

She put on her most oversized sunglasses to hide from an unwelcome paparazzi, and headed to her appointment.

She was fifteen minutes early, as usual, so she flipped through a few magazines while waiting for her doctor.

"Ms. Kieran? The doctor can come see you now."

Lena stood up, hearing the use of her pseudonym, which she used in public places like this one. It actually was her middle name, but almost no one knew that. She had instructed the office to call her by that name to avoid excess attention.

She settled on the bed, waiting for her doctor, who was a kind faced woman with curly dark hair and russet skin. Her name was Dr. Gibbs.

"Hello Ms. Luthor. I understand, you think you are pregnant?"

"Yes. I took an at home pregnancy test, but wanted to make sure I really was pregnant, as it could be a false positive."

"I've been reviewing your medical history, and it says you've had numerous miscarriages and are undergoing fertility treatments, but the embryos have had difficulty implanting. That is true?"


"Have you experienced any symptoms?"

"Nausea, dizziness, and depleted energy. But that could just be stress. "

"I'm going to have you undergo a blood test. I will call you back with the results tomorrow."

Lena nodded, wincing slightly when nurse came over to draw her blood.

"Oh and Ms. Luthor? Good luck. I hope this is the baby you and your husband are wishing for."

The baby she's been wishing for for five years.

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