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Kara had another headache, so she was sleeping. Mon El was a little worried, his wife never got sick. So after the kids, went to school, he took the day off to take care of her. He was making some tea for her. When she was pregnant with Avery, she had absolutely terrible morning sickness, and chamomile would make her feel a bit better. So he took the mug to their room. It was dark inside from the blinds, and she was curled up on the side next to the wall. She'd been asleep for a few hours now. He set the mug quietly on the nightstand, and sat next to her, brushing her blond waves from her forehead. Perplexed, he felt her cheek, and it was a little hot. She was a little bit feverish after all. He pulled the sunny yellow comforter onto her, and slipped away to the bathroom, where he dampened a towel. Placing it on her head, he proceeded to call Alex. "Hey Alex, it's Mon El. Kara's not feeling well. She's a little feverish, and has a headache, yes I did that. Okay, I'll bring her in tomorrow. Thanks a lot. Bye!" He looked back at her sleeping figure. She looked so small, so helpless, curled up in a ball. He stroked her back gently. He hated seeing her like this. When she was pregnant with Hudson and Avery, where she was too sick to get out of bed, he remembered that.

"Mon, Mon El?" He turned and looked at Kara's bright blue eyes. 

"Shhh, hey it's okay," he said, pulling her into his arms. He felt wet tears on his shirt and looked down. She was crying. Tears rolled down her rosy cheeks, flushed from her fever. "Kara, babe what's wrong?"

"It hurts," she sobbed. "It's like someone is stabbing kryptonite through my head." He kissed the top of her soft hair. 

"There is really not much we can do, Alex said to bring you in tomorrow if you don't feel better. Are you hungry? I made you some tea, but I can make you something else, if you want," he said, picking up the mug and handing it to her. She wrapped her hand around the warm cup and took a sip before smiling.

"Chamomile. You remembered!"

"Of course I did," he said, rubbing her back gently. She drained the cup of tea and was hit with a burst of energy. 

"Where are Nova, Elara, Hudson, and Avery?" she said, trying to get out of bed. Mon El grabbed her wrists, and pushed her back down. 

"Slow down babe. You need to rest. They are all at school, and they won't be home till three, I've arranged for Ava to go stay with a friend, since she gets out a little earlier, Hudson has soccer again, so that's settled, Nova and Elara are coming straight home after picking up Ava," he explained. She nodded.

"Oh, okay." She leaned closer into his shoulder, resting her head on his muscular chest. They cuddled there for a while. Just the two of them. The girl from Krypton and the boy from Daxam. Proud parents to four wonderful children, and successful journalists and editors. Also, they were superheroes, and good ones at that. 

So, it's a Karamel Chapter with just the two of them. Should I do one more? Xoxo, -A

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