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"Girls c'mon!" Kara shouted from the bottom of the stairs, waiting for her two older ones. Inside their bedroom, was a slight state of disarray. Nova was digging through the dresser for her hoodie, while Elara hurriedly applied mascara. She was already dressed in a loose black crop top and ripped boyfriend jeans. Nova found her hoodie and slid the pale pink material over her ponytailed locks. She wore nike leggings under, and black Old Skool Vans. They grabbed their phones and back packs, before running down the stairs. Hudson poked at his waffles as Kara tied Avery's brown hair into pigtails. Elara and Nova slid into their seats just as Mon El walked through the door, already dressed for work. 

"Hey girls." he said, giving them each kiss. 

"Morning dad." they said, eating their waffles. Both had grown into very different individuals. Elara was artistic, and more bold, her dressing style reflected that. Nova was quite feminine. 

"Let's go girls!" Kara said. They nodded, and headed out the door with Kara. Kara was not in a good mood. She had a headache due to blowing out her powers. "What's wrong with mom?" Nova whispered in Elara's ear. Kara was doing that crinkle thing with her forehead as she drove. Kara broke the silence with a distraction. 

"Homework done?" she asked. They nodded. 

"Yes. Also, I have gymnastics after school today. Taylor will give me a ride." Nova added.

 Kara nodded. "So did you get your gym stuff?" Nova nodded. "What about you Elli?' she asked Elara. 

"Nothing." she said. They stopped at the signal. 

"Walk to CatCo after school, and stay with dad." Elara nodded. They pulled up at the high school. "Bye babies." 

They waved goodbye.

 "Vy!" a brunette squealed, running towards Nova. Elara snuck off. Nova was extremely popular. Gymnast, cheer captain, straight A student, student body vice president. The fact that she was the daughter of the Kara Danvers Matthews, who's name always appeared in CatCo magazines biggest articles. Also she was "half" alien. People sometimes forgot that Elara was her sister or that she even existed. Elara was quiet, an artist. She preferred to wear glasses, unlike the power dampening earrings her sister wore. She quietly sat listening to her music. 

The bell rang. Elara grumbled, stuffing her earbuds into her backpack before dashing off to first period science. She sat with her hair falling over her face, sketching, as a gaggle of students came into her room. Like the nucleus of an atom, her sister was in the middle of all of the other electrons, neutrons, and protons. They sat down at the table in the front of the room. Mia and Jazz, Nova's best friends, were sitting next to her. A couple of boys and a few other girls were also there. The teacher rapped on the board with her knuckles. "Morning children. Today we will be starting our chemistry unit by taking notes." The teacher droned on and on. Beautiful, just the way you are. There is nothing about you I would change. The lyrics floated through her tangled mess of a brain. She shut her eyes tight, clenching her fists, waiting for the moment to pass. Her breathing quickened, then slowed as it returned to normal. This often happened out of the blue. Her mom had told her it was ok, she had this problem as well when she first came to earth. The bell rang, and as her sister left, Elara sat in a daze, sketching away her thoughts for what seemed like forever until someone lightly touched her shoulder. She looked up to see dark haired boy standing in front of her. "Are you okay? The bell rang already." he asked. 

She nodded. "I'm fine now." 

He held out his hand. "Casey. Casey White." he said. 

She shook his hand. "Elara. Elara Matthews." she told him. 

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