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Kara had spent the night cuddled up into Mon El, radiating feverish heat. He didn't sleep at all. He made sure the cloth on her forehead was damp, and made sure her fever wouldn't run too high. He dozed off, leaning on her towards dawn. He jolted awake with a start as the sun shone through the windows. "Oh shit!" He cursed. It was seven, and he had to wake the Ava up. She was curled up on her hot pink comforter,  her brown waves splayed on the pillow. "Ava," he said gently, sitting next to her. She woke up, and rubbed her eyes. Her eyes that were just like his. She was a mini Mon El in looks, but a lot like Kara in the way she acted.

"Daddy!" she said, reaching out her tiny seven year old arms. He smiled and gave her a hug.

"Good morning princess," he said, scooping her out of bed, causing her to giggle. He set her down on the rug, where she stood sleepy eyed in her princess pajamas. "What do you want to wear today?" he asked. She walked over to her dresser, where she pulled out a pair of polka dotted leggings and a graphic t shirt with a puppy on it. She got her favorite pink sneakers from under the bed, and her black supergirl logo hoodie. She put it all on and went to go brush her teeth. Mon El went downstairs to let out Bella, the family beagle. She was eleven now, but still a puppy at heart. Hudson, Nova, and Elara would wake up on their own. He wasn't wrong.


"You are not wearing that! It looks too grungy!" Nova yelled, arms crossed. She was wearing a cropped pink sweater and a high rise denim skirt.  Elara made a face. She was dressed in a black sweatshirt and black skinny jeans, with a flannel around her waist, over black combat boots. Beds were already made, the blankets tucked nicely, pillows piled up. The floor was clean, and bags were packed. Both of them were very neat. They shared the attic room, which had a rustic feel, and had decorated it to be beach themed. Elara rolled her eyes and sat to do her makeup. She applied some concealer to hide her dark circles from staying up too late, and used some orangey brown eyeshadow that made her blue eyes pop. Winging out her eyeliner just a tad, she used some mascara, popped on highlighter, and finished with a satiny pink lipstick close to her lip color. She scrunched up her damp, freshly showered hair, which was nearly dry, to keep it wavy. Her hair was short, a lob, unlike Nova, who had longer  hair. Nova had given up and was putting on jewelry. Her makeup was already done; she used concealer, rose toned eyeshadow, mascara, highlighter, and lipgloss. "C'mon," she said to her sister. "Mom and dad are probably waiting for us to come downstairs. They grabbed their black jansports and walked downstairs. Hudson was already scarfing down cereal. He looked like Kara's mother, Alura. By a lot. Dark brown hair, and eyes, with her facial shape and expressions. Mon El was eating his own breakfast. 

"Morning dad," Elara and Nova said at the same time.

"Morning" Mon El replied.

"Where's mom?" Elara asked.

"She's still sleeping. She's a bit feverish. I think she caught the flu, since her powers are burned out." 

"She'll be okay right?"

Mon El paused. "She will be." But he didn't quite meet their eyes as they ate their toast.

He had to drive all of them, so they left extra early. (Middle school has no bus, but elementary does) He dropped Avery and Hudson off at the elementary bus stop, and drove Nova and Elara to the middle school before returning home to a still sick Kara. She was sitting downstairs with a glass of water in her hands.

"Feeling better?" he asked. Kara nodded. He looked over over again. She didn't look okay, he could tell because she winced as he talked. It was a spur of a moment, but he scooped her into his arms and sped over to the DEO. Alex was handling a group of agent trainees so he directly took Kara into the spare room Alex sometimes slept in. The door banged open ten minutes later. 

"Mon El!" Alex yelled. "Is Kara okay?" she yelled. He shrugged.

"She claims she is, but I don't trust her, you know how she gets." Alex looked at Kara, who was dressed in flannel pants and a grey raglan shirt, her blond locks pulled up in messy bun. He was right. Kara still looked a little sick.  

"C'mon," Alex said, tugging Kara upward and leading her to the med bay, fingers clasped around her wrist. Alex gently weakened Kara using a mild dilution of Kryptonite, and took a few blood tests. 

"Well you are running a fever, I can tell, is your head still hurting?" Alex asked.

"Yes," Kara said quietly. 

"Okay," Alex said. "The results should be back tomorrow. In the mean time, take some of this," she said, passing over a small container of very strong Tylenol, much stronger than the one humans took. "It should relieve your headache and try to bring down your fever."

"Thank you," Mon El said. 

"No problem. Also, I don't think it's anything serious. Probably a mild infection. She should be better soon. Try not to have the kids too close, their Daxamite DNA could protect them, but the Kryptonian does make them susceptible."

"Will do."

He swept Kara into his arms and once again brought her back to the house. She took the Tylenol and fell asleep in his arms on the couch. Head resting in his lap, her breathing was steady, which brought him at ease. He was proud of Kara. She was an amazing mom to four children, and juggled not one, but two jobs, one of which did not pay at all, the job of being supergirl.  He was so proud. He was especially proud that he got to call her his wife.

"Happy anniversary Kara dear," he whispered, eyes shining with adoration. 

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