A Healthy Addiction

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The first thing I do as soon as I wake up is pee. The urge was most definitely real. After emptying my bladder and brushing my teeth, I head towards the kitchen. Looking presentable is the last thing on my mind right now.

Pouring a large bowl of cereal and accompanying it with some cold milk, I sit at the breakfast bar and eat till my heart’s content. Gulping down a large glass of orange juice, I head to my room and put on my clothes for the day.

It’s only half seven but I do everything as fast as I can just so I get to go on Youtube for a bit. Yes. I’m a Youtube addict and I’m proud to admit it. I have those dark days where I get sucked into the weird side of youtube, let’s just say I’ve seen it all. I shudder at some of the things I’ve watched, like a guy eating someone else's vomit. I could literally be on that website for hours and not get bored, I know some people find it sad but it’s my way of life.

School starts at eight-thirty so I go on Youtube for forty minutes and then check some of my social media out. I have quite a few internet friends, I’m surprised to say so since I obviously don’t have any school friends. Hopefully they’re not fifty year old pedophiles, then all my online friends are around my age.

As I walk into school I make it my mission to find Keenan and apologise. When I’ve done something wrong I will admit it. I just hope Keenan doesn’t think I’m on the break of a psychotic meltdown.


It’s been a very frustrating day, whenever I see Keenan he some how slips out of sight. I think he’s avoiding me but I can’t blame him. I see his head bob through the crowd and quickly slip through the gaps in the large mass of students. Taking note of the last place I see him I walk in that direction, the people in the corridor slowly subside and I still see Keenan walking away. Hah, he thought he could stay away from me, well I’m not going to let that happen. I need to get this apology of my chest before I combust.

“Sebastian fucking Orrosco! Get. Me. Out. Of. Here. I swear if you don’t I will beat you up so hard that your head will come out of your arse! Oh, that is a threat. Okay. Bye.”

I let out a giggle at the part of the conversation Keenan has with a person named Sebastian. Hearing the noise that comes from me Keenan turns in my direction and his eyes almost pop out of his head. That’s when my giggles turn into full blown laughter, tears are trailing down my cheeks. When I finally compose myself, Keenan looks a mixture of amused and pissed.

“I-I’m sorry but your face and the part of the conversation I heard was just too funny. Don’t think of me as a stalker but the reason I followed you here was because I wanted to apologise for my outburst yesterday. I didn’t mean to take it out on you, so…… yeah.” I awkwardly trail off the last part of my sentence unsure of what to say next.

“It’s okay. I’ve just been trying to make as many friends as I can but I realised you like to be left alone. I guess I’ll see you later then um…. maybe? Unless you need a lift home?”

I gave him a smile and a quick yes in reply. What do I have to lose, plus I want to meet this Sebastian that got Keenan all worked up. Walking out of school with Keenan was kind of awkward since we don’t know each other well and the first time we met I didn’t make a very good first impression.

The school was mostly deserted and there was only a few of the younger years waiting for parents to pick them up. After a awkward brush of our hands, I open my mouth ready to strike conversation when I see a beautiful car pull up. The sleek body screams ‘I’m worth more than you will ever make in your life’. Keenan steps towards the car leaving me in my hazy state, slowly shaking my head I walk towards the car.

“The guy on the phone owns this car! Wow. It’s.. too beautiful for words.” I feel a trail of drool and quickly wipe it away with the back of my hand. Now, I’m not into cars but I want this car. The cherry red coating makes me hungry.. for strawberries. Yep, strawberries once I start eating them I can't stop but it’s a healthy addiction so it’s all good,

“Yeah, I picked it out myself, even though I can’t drive it. Let’s get in before he has a bitch fit.” With those last words to me Keenan gets into the passenger seat, so that leaves me with sitting in the back seat, with an almost stranger and a stranger in the car, alone.

Sliding onto the plush leather seats I almost sigh with bliss, now this is the life. Too busy running my hands over the seat, I forget that Sebastian is in the car as well as Keenan. Damn. They probably think I’m the most weirdest weirdo there is, known to man. Keenan probably told this Sebastian about my outburst and it doesn’t help with situation right now.

“Sorry,” I give them both a meek smile, “I’m not usually this weird but I just love this car. I’m not into cars but this- wait this must be really expensive and you look too young to have bought it..”

“Ah, my parents gave it to me as a birthday gift and I’m actually older than you think.” With those last almost cryptic sounding words Sebastian winks at me and pulls out of the school grounds.

After a semi-awkward few minutes Keenan and Sebastian get into a heated conversation but they’re whispering so I listened hard and the only words I caught were ‘bing’ and ‘hat’, although I’m not even sure I heard those right. I realise after a minute or so that they don’t actually know where I live. I look out of the window and see lush green trees that lead to a pathway. “Guys this is not my house. This place is so… wow!”

I was breathless from the mansion and I’m not joking, it’s absolutely massive. The stark white pillars and walls encase the house giving it a modern and classy feel. This house most definitely didn’t belong in these wooded areas. I must admit that it almost reminds me of twilight with the Cullen’s house that is hidden in acres of trees. Yeah I know twilight but don’t worry it was just a phase.

I was too engrossed in my surroundings to notice that the car had been parked and Sebastian was speaking to me.

“You weren’t listening were you? I was just saying that this is my parents’ house but they’ve let me stay here with Keenan, my sister and my brother. Beware though my brother can be quite crazy especially with new people he’s never met.” The only thing I could do was nod, gosh these people live a fine life. Why the heck would they want to come to a school like this if they have a lot of money? And why does Keenan stay with them? Is he related to them because they sure don’t look alike.

I must say Sebastian is quite handsome, with his ash blonde hair that’s swept back and his brown eyes. Although his eyes aren’t very eye catching they do entrance you with that mischievous look.

Almost getting dragged to the house as if I’m going to run, I see the hottest guy ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2014 ⏰

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