I Will Hurt You Bryyan

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The day we got back was very hectic. Dad had to go to work even though he had jet lag because of some sort of emergency. Poor him. Also Mum had come to visit me but she clearly didn’t get the idea that she wasn’t needed. It might sound harsh but the only reason she ever comes over is if she needs something.

Eventually when she realised that Dad wasn’t home and I wasn’t going to help her, she left. Hopefully for good. I quickly text Dad that she’s been here, to which he replies with Don’t open the door if she comes again, I’ll be home soon. I feel relieved when he says that, I just can’t stand her- not because of her hate for the idea of aliens but how she hurt Dad and me. She used to always cause fights and eventually she caused a rift between us and her and we were the ones that got hurt. I think at some point she even had an affair but I don’t care anymore.

Putting the thoughts of her to the back of my head, I resume cleaning up my room and unpacking. I bought a few cool trinkets from when I was there and hopefully I get to show them off to everyone at school. Although I don’t have friends everyone is always interested in my business. Funnily enough it doesn’t make me angry ,it’s a compliment to me at how they love to know what goes on in my life.

That night as I lay  in my bed, a smile graces my face for the first time. This holiday has sure helped me to relax and what more could I ask for Dad- he’s happy with Mariella. I guess I should be glad that although I don’t have friends I also don’t have a rough life. I mean I could have had it worse, my Mum could have gotten custody over me, everyone could bully and tease but they just ignore or gossip about me behind my back- which still isn’t right but as I said it’s not as bad.

I’m just waiting for that moment when I get out of sixth form and finally enter the wonderful world of uni. I don’t know why people say high school was “the best five years of their lives”. It most definitely wasn’t a walk in the park and neither is being in college.

I like to be optimistic about the future, it’s the thing that keeps me going. I want to be around people that want to go to uni to work and get somewhere in life. I would love to either become a writer or a psychologist, they are two totally different careers but both appeal to me, very much.


The inner peace I had gained from my holiday has sadly dissipated. As soon as I got into school, I was shoved into a two hour long assembly on the riveting topic of new beginnings. Wasn’t this an assembly that should have been given at the beginning of the year?

After that horrible start to the morning, I had to sit in a class full of twats- pardon my French… English? The reason for their idiotness was that our usual English teacher had suddenly decided to leave us. I know what a cod fish! The only explanation we got was ‘she needed a break’. I mean, come on. We don’t get to have breaks, we just sit in school for hours on end, learning shit that we may or may not need for the future and it’s usually the latter.

That leaves two lessons of hell left and trust me the day just worse-r? If that’s even a word, on second thought I. Don’t. Care.

After break which was only five minutes long thanks to my substitute English ‘teacher’ keeping us in, I went to Art. Art was a lesson where I let my thoughts out. It was supposed to be serene- as usual but guess what, it wasn’t. Some new kid had graced the school with his presence and trust me it wasn’t a nice experience. Whoever he was.. well to put it nicely he was a dickhead. I never saw his face or his body for that matter since he was surrounded by an entourage of whiny, leachy guys and girls.

These guys and girls just love to latch onto someone they deem as a worthy leader and put them on a pedestal. It might do wonders to the ego of the ‘worthy’ person but sadly it’s an annoyance to everyone else- preferably me. My last lesson also included his ‘highness’. I couldn’t concentrate because my thought process was drowned out by the voices of the Idiots. Yes with a capital ‘I’, I have named them and it shall stay.

I finally got a glimpse of the new guy and he certainly was someone you couldn’t ignore. He was very very good looking, I’m a sucker for curly hair and his was a perfect halo of russet-ness. Holy mother of cheese, I’m turning into one of them. Although he has fine attributes he is someone I most definitely would not interact with.


Getting home was a bit of a trek but my reward was Dad baking me cookies. He could not cook to save his life but baking was definitely his forte. The scent wafted towards me wrapping me in a wonderful haze of wonderful sweetness. Hugging Dad a thousand times I grab the freshly baked goodies and take them upstairs.

Lying in my bed I read an article about a reported sighting of UFOs. This person has been in many articles ‘claiming’ that they have seen other worldly beings but I think they are either taking the mick or being dared to do it. I think the person is called Bryyan Montreol, why the need for two ‘Y’s, can you not handle one? Too bad he lives in America or I would have gone to his house and beat him up, on second thoughts I’d probably verbally abuse him, I do not have any upper body strength curse my feminine qualities.

After a couple of hours my stomach realised that cookies will not satisfy it, so I went down and started making myself some pot noodles. Dad always goes out at the oddest times only leaving me a note in his barely legible writing.

I wish I had another sibling, it gets boring when Dad’s not around. Even a dog would be great but sadly Dad has allergies and I hate cats.

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