Poor, poor Geoffrey

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School hasn’t been sucky, surprisingly. I found out the new guys name is Keenan Wolf, I must admit he has a pretty cool name. I’ve heard some stories about why Keenan is here. One story was how he killed his Neighbour’s Grandma, I almost burst out laughing at that but I kept quiet because I was eavesdropping.

The story that I love the most is that his parents had left him with wolves and he was eventually found and taken into society. And that;s why his second name is Wolf. That story is pure genius, I mean how could someone possibly come up with such a story, it’s pure gold.

I can’t help the giggle that escapes my lips, I quickly think of something depressing like a dead fish. Like my recently deceased pet Geoffrey- bless his soul- I kind of forgot about him when I went camping with Dad. It was three years ago but I can never forget Geoffrey’s lifeless eyes staring up at me as he floated above the water.

I look around to see if anyone saw my random outburst and just to my look I see Keenan look at me. One eyebrow quirked and an amused smile graces his face, just great now the new guy is giving me funny looks. Turning my head, I raise it to show I’m not affected by him. It’s weird that he’s still looking at me, usually people forget about me after they see me. It’s amusing how easily their brains don’t have the capacity to remember a person they deem unworthy.

Hearing the bell ring, my stomach rumbles reminding me that I haven’t eaten. A grin lands on my face when I realise  that packed me a slice of chocolate cake. Not only a heavenly slice of chocolate cake but a wondrous fizzy drink. I may sound like a pig but I haven’t in fact eaten a slice of chocolate cake in a whole month, it was hard but I got through it and fizzy drinks are not allowed often in our household so I have to treasure the moments when I have it. I literally had to beg Dad in the morning so that I could have it for lunch, Dad knew how hard it was for me to not eat cake and so caved and let me have it. The whole reason for having it in school is that it’s one thing that keeps me going- knowing that I'm going to have cake really puts a shit eating grin on your face.

Walking towards the dining hall, I add a little skip to my step. At the beginning of the year most people choose a spot to sit at and it’s where everyone just sits for the rest of the year. I chose a spot in the far corner, I can see everyone from here and nobody bothers to look in my direction so it’s a win-win situation. I kind of feel like a creepy stalker because I listen into people’s conversations or watch what they do. When you’re bored or alone anything is entertaining.

I see a large group of rowdy teenagers walk into the dining hall. Ugh. They just have to ruin my nice lunch with their incessant babble. I just love the word ‘babble’, it sounds so weird. Grabbing my phone from my bag, I plug in my headphones and jam out to a random song. My headphones do a great job of blocking out the haters, oh I make some good jokes. Taking a bite of my cake I let out a weird noise it’s a mixture of a grunt and sigh of contentment. Remembering my fizzy beverage, I pull the tab on the tin. The hiss that can lets out makes me giddy, I’ve missed fizzy drinks, who doesn’t love the taste of a carbonated sugary drink?- well except for Dad and usually most parents or adults in general.

My beautiful bubble is broken when I feel a presence close by. Looking to my right I see Keenan, what does he want?

“I wanted to meet the crazy girl who laughed in class. And no I’m not a mind reader I could tell by your face. Anyways do you have spare cake? I love chocolate!” The look on his face was adorable but I’d never admit it to anyone. Holding the container of chocolatey goodness to my chest, I gave him my worst death stare.

“First of all how dare you call me crazy and the have the nerve to ask for my cake! Go away, I hate it when arrogant people think just because they think they’re God’s gift they have the right to rest of us like scum. It really pisses me off. Here’s a thought -which I doubt you get often- just fuck off.” By the end of that rant my temper has risen even worse than at the beginning. My face is probably a very fire engine red and if I was in a cartoon smoke would be coming out of my ears. I usually don’t get this defensive but it hurts when jerks think that they can treat people with no respect and completely discard the fact that they have feeling and that they are in fact trying to live life but can;t since there are little shitheads- I really need to stop ranting because it’s just making me very vexed.

Realising Keenan is still here, gather my things and walk away. I wish- no I hope- that people stop and realise how they treat others, it’s not a world I want to grow up in or any kids as a matter of fact.

After five minutes of calming down I realise how much of a bitch I was to Keenan. I think I’m on my period or something, I’ve never reacted like that, ever. Tomorrow I am definitely going to apologise, he probably thinks I’m psycho who escaped from a mental institution. It doesn’t help that there actually is one half an hour away.

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