Old People Are Truly Entertaining

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The woman that had caught Dad’s eye was called Mariella. Mariella was really sweet- and I mean sweet. If I was around her any longer I could get diabetes. But there was something odd about her. I know that I’m in another country and they probably do things differently but she is weird.

It’s funny how I’ve been called a ‘wierdo’ or ‘freak’ most of my life but I think I know another fellow strange person. It’s the way she reacts to my obsession with Aliens. Usually people look at me funny and run away but she actually sits and talks to me. I know I’ve always wished for another person to believe what I do, yet with her here it’s just plain weird to think that there are people like me.

Dad- bless his soul- is really happy. He’s the happiest I’ve seen him since I chose to live with him and not Mum. I have a feeling that Mariella and him are ‘boyfriend’ and ‘girlfriend’, even though they are way too old for that type of thing. I think it’s really serious and I think they might have already said the ‘L’ word. It’s been three weeks and we’re only here for another three weeks.

I hope they figure something out before we have to back. I don’t want them to get hurt, he’s been through enough with Mum.

Mariella and Dad have gone out on a ‘date’ so I’m sitting in the hotel all alone. It’s quite sad that I’m on holiday and I’m sitting in a hotel room gorging myself with chocolate covered strawberries and a weird fizzy drink called PapiPapi. I have no idea why it’s called that but it’s so good! It’s like a rainbow and a fairy had a baby and it was called PapiPapi, I know I suck at analogies but that is what it tastes like. Simply wonderful.

A sudden wave of motivation hit me. I jumped off the bed and got changed and ran out the door but not before checking my hair- which looked meh. I guess it was the highly sugary packed foods and drinks that I had. I made my way passed the grand entrance of the overly expensive hotel and towards the cobbled lanes filled with tourists just like me, taking pictures of vivid flowers that had inhabited the walls of the houses.

I was entranced by the beautiful scenery that I bump into something or rather someone. I look up just in time to see a head of tousled blonde hair disappear into a crowd. I guess not all people are polite here, but some of these italians are very good looking I must say. What? I’m a girl, it’s in my nature to appreciate the finer things in life.

After about ten minutes I realise I am a completely and utterly lost.

It was a painstakingly long hour but eventually I found my way back to the hotel. , I had a few awkward exchanges with some old men, who may or may not have thought I was a hooker. Even though I was wearing quite conservative clothing.


Sun light encased the room through the open blinds. I have told Dad so many times to not open them when I’m sleeping but he still does, it’s rather annoying.

Since we only have a couple of weeks left I’m gonna make the most of it. I did as I promised and did things I never would have done. I went skydiving; bargained with market people; went snorkelling and actually got a tan. I was actually surprised that I tanned, I now know why girls tan because I look way better with it. Damn. I’m actually thinking like a girl for once. Dad would have a field day if he could hear my thoughts.

Speaking of Dad, he’s actually going to invite Mariella to come back and live with us. I know, they’re jumping the gun but I guess old people have no time to waste. Oh how I love making old people jokes.

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