A.I - Alien Infatuation

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Have you ever wondered if there was life on other planets? Well, I have many times. I guess it explains why I have no friends at school and trust me it's no easy feat - having no friends I mean.

I guess if they don't like me what's the point in having fake friends who could turn on you with the snap of a finger. So back to the subject of aliens, I think I saw one  yesterday. Yes, you heard me right, I think I did but I might have not because I wasn't wearing my glasses and my neighbour tends to dress in green.

Okay, I guess I might have not seen an alien but I feel like they are real! Ever since I was a child I have been drawn to all things galactic. When every other kid was playing with their cars or dolls I was reading about extraterrestrial beings. My dad- my rock, helped me out and even bought me a figurine alien and spaceship.  

I'm not called the Sci-Fi freak for no reason.

The sad thing was and still is that Mum hates it. I can't help what I love but she can't seem to grasp the concept of it. It hurts that she can't accept what I love but I'm glad my dad doesn't. He's always been there for me, when I was bullied my mum didn't even bat an eyelash.

I'm happy to say Mum and Dad got a divorce and Dad got full custody of me. It was rough for a while after me and Dad moved but we got there. I love the countryside and the quietness. I was never really a city girl and neither was my dad- minus the girl part.

After the fiasco of the alien sighting, Dad decided to take me on holiday for some relaxation. Pfft. That’s his excuse for getting off of work and sitting on a white sanded beach and maybe chatting up so lady. Ugh, Dad’s too old for dating I’ve told him that but he won’t take no for an answer. Some parents just don’t listen.

I sigh with annoyance, this damned holiday couldn’t get any worse. Dad had left me after seeing a woman walk passed and murmured something about ‘getting his game on’ what ever that means. I wish I hate caught a glimpse of the unlucky woman but the only thing I saw was her gorgeous thick curls.

Dad came back a few minutes later with a shit eating grin on his face. I guess he got her number or whatever. For the whole hour he sat staring at the same page of his book.

I eventually snachted the book off of him and tell him to either ring the woman or find her. He gave me a kiss on the forehead and placed the keys to the hotel room in my hand, then walked in the general direction that the woman had walked in.

A.I - Alien Infatuation(On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now