And anyway, both of them knew who had a better chance to get together with him. He couldn't just let his selfishness destroy the opportunity both of them had to become a couple. Couple. The word pained him more than it should've but he decided it was the best course of action to apply in a state like this one.

Afterall, it was Karma's happiness that mattered in here. Something which Nagisa could not give him even if he wanted to.

Ignoring the growing ache in his chest that wrapped itself around his heart like wild posisonous ivy vines, he smiled at her supportively, "Oh, you could've told me earlier, Manami-san! I'll help you get together with him."

The way her face brightened up at his answer, her lavender eyes sparkling with hope was enough to let him decide that his decision was the right one.

"Thank you so much, Nagisa-kun!"

Her previous anxiousness was gone, replaced with sheer delight and hope that Nagisa didn't have the heart to tell about his infatuation with Karma. A hidden pained smile formed on his face but Okuda needn't know that.

It was okay. He could bury his feelings for him, after all it's just a little infatuation that'll fade after a short time. If he'd give up the crush that he'd held onto for several years, the two friends he ever had would be happy.

"Haha, you don't have to thank me." He waved his hands dismissively, "I am your and Karma's friend. It's my job to make sure both of you are happy, isn't it?"

Manami didn't say anything verbally, giggling jubilantly, unaware of the blue head's inner struggle who chuckled after her, in the most genuine way he could muster.

It was going to be okay.


"What did you two talk about?" Karma questioned after the two had entered the classroom, they still had a couple of minutes left before recess would finish.

"Oh, um...It was just an omega thing she wanted to ask." Nagisa knitted a lie, flawlessly as if it was natural and Okuda nodded after him.

The red head narrowed his eyes at the approaching figures before shrugging, "Oh, and here I was thinking that she was going to confess about something to you."

Nagisa almost choked on air at the accuracy of his prediction.

"Well, um...let's talk about the homework that Kensaku-sensei gave us about catalyst." Okuda diverted the topic, taking out her notebook.

Nagisa groaned, "I completely forgot that it's science period after this."

"Meh, I'll just skip the whole class." Karma said, a small smirk on his face.

"And you'll still probably score 90 or above even after that, won't you?" It was an enviable talent that Karma had that he didn't possess. More the reasons to relinquish his infatuation.

"Of course~"


Turns out, Karma was right. He did end up acing the test while Nagisa, well his didn't turn out as expected, something that'll probably be on his head after he reaches home.

"How is it even humanly possible that you got such high marks without even trying?" Nagisa asked, peering over to see the bright red hundred marked on Karma's paper.

He turned over to his own which was marked with a forty-two, comical tears streaming down his face at the injustice. He who had crammed all night long only got forty-two while Karma, who didn't even study, got full marks without an effort. How is that even fair?!

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