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Ten years ago when Y/N was 5 years old.Once she was playing on the terrace.I went there to ask her something and I was shocked to see that:
                            "Some kind of light reflections from moon were coming towards Y/N.I was very scared and I grabbed her away from those rays but some of them hit her.Then suddenly that light disappeared.After that day Y/N is having some weird dreams and can't sleep at night.And the most appalling thing is that once she had a quarrel with her school friends,and they were beaten by her so badly that they fainted.I was frightened of her powers and I took her away from the city and shifted here."
        What do you think doctor?Why these things happened to my daughter?
Doctor:I don't think so that the things you are telling me really happened.I think you had some bad dream or something.And as your daughter's doctor I am sure that she is fine and you should not lock her in a house.It can have adverse affects on her.You should send her to school so that she can live a normal life!
She replied:Yes doctor I'll think about it. *worried*
{When she went back to home Y/N was waiting for her}
Y/N:I'm sure that you have got no solution because there is no problem at all.Mom why don't you accept the reality and let me go to school?
Mom:You don't know anything!I am doing this for your benefit!
Y/N:Ok leave it you couldn't understand me since ten years then how can u do it now?Nothing has changed in ten years except one thing that after that day nothing like that happened to me which means I am fine!
MOM:Ok leave it!Just tell me what will you have in dinner?
Y/N:Anything you want!As my opinion doesn't matter!
{and she went away.}
{Y/N was sitting in a windowsill,waiting for the moon to rise.Her mother entered the room and started singing birthday song holding chocolate cake in her hands.Y/N was too shocked as she had forgotten her birthday.Her mother sat next to her and she blew the candles.}
MOM:So finally you are 15 today.May you live a long and happy life.*Hugging her.*And here is your gift!*giving her a cute box*
Y/N:*Trying to open it*Why isn't it opening!?
MOM:I don't know but this belongs to you!
Y/N:But why isn't it opening and what's in it?
MOM:*Glimpses*I think it's time to tell you the truth that I am hiding from you since years!
Y/N:What are you talking about?
MOM:Actually the thing is that you are not my daughter and...
Y/N:*Interrupting her*Mom please stop it.You have tried to tell me this story many times and I am always telling you no so stop it.I don't know that it's true or not but I don't wanna believe it.You are my mom and that's it!*hugging her.*
MOM:But it's your right to know...
Y/N:*Ignoring her*Look the moon is out.*pointing towards the sky.*
MOM:*seeing the moon*Yeah it's beautiful!You know some people say that in the blue moon strange things happen and I think that day it was a blue moon.What do you think?*Still glaring at the sky*
{Her mother asked her again but she didn't replied.When she looked around for her she was not there.Suddenly she was shocked to see that...


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