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(After wandering in the forest for a long time,they finally found their way inside the city.They knocked out all the enemies with full action ! (˘ ˘ ˘) But how was this made possible... ( '・ω・)...。oо○)


J/K and Ahjumma: *walking around dead on their feet*

J/K:I've no energy...I need food !! *faints on the ground*

Ahjumma:*sits beside J/K and starts meditating*

J/K:*speechless*...I..I mean I can bear hunger but you ignoring me since I don't remember when is getting on my nerves !
*getting very upset*

Ahjumma: *no response*

J/K:Aghh I'm stuck with an old,oblivious and unbothered lady who won't care if I die here right at this moment !!! *ranting continues* ◔_◔blablablabla...and I don't like...*speechless when realises that he's not being listened*

Ahjumma: *after a decade* Yes I made it !! *exclaims with her eyes closed*

J/K: *murmuring* this old lady is crazy (⚆_⚆)

Ahjumma:*stops meditating and tells J/K that;
(I was not meditating around for nothing ! I've just brought us a great help ! )

J/K:I hope that it's something worth ignoring me *eye rolls*

Ahjumma:*rolls her eyes back* well um..I WENT INTO THE SPIRIT WORLD TO ASK FOR HELP !!

J/K:And you got ignored~~ ❐‿❑

Ahjumma:*throws a punch on his face*

J/K:*nosebleeds* ( ་། )

Ahjumma:Well..*takes a deep breath*..moving on!
THEY AGREED TO HELP US !! ヾ( ˃ᴗ˂ )◞ • *✰

J/K:What?? *surprised* but how ?? Aren't spirits known to be very arrogant??

Ahjumma: Well it was not easy at first but I offered a deal which they could never reject even in their dreams ! (˘ ˘ ˘)

J/K: Don't tell me that you offered them to live as pets in the city ヘ(・_|

Ahjumma:Exactly ! That's exactly what I did *feeling proud*

J/K:You're insane !! Don't you know The Queen catches allergy from their fur ! She's gonna kill us ! ..・ヾ(。><)シ

Ahjumma:Well it's better to catch an allergy with their help than dying without it ! Also we're not gonna allow the spirits to go near her.She never leaves the palace so keeping that in mind...*list of reasons gets longer & longer*

J/K:Okay stop ! *frustrated* it's not my problem so the Queen will deal with you rn let's get the help of those lame spirits *huh*


(*a loud slap sound*
*J/K standing with a red face all shocked*)

J/K: WHO THE HELL WAS THAT *looking around eagerly*

Spirit:Hello I'm Gabs and don't try messing with me again ! Next time it will be your head and my fist !

J/K:*speaks anxiously* Uhm...why why can't I see you...? *hesitates while talking*

Gabs:Well stupid humans with weak spiritual powers can't see us ! Which includes you and that stupid stink (˘ ˘ ˘)

Ahjumma: *adds to his insult* Which means that I am better than you guys (˘ ˘ ˘)

Gabs:ditto (˘ ˘ ˘)

J/K: Oh...why is it getting hot *fans himself with his hand* *avoiding eye contact with ahjumma*

Gabs & Ahjumma: *laughs sarcastically*

Gabs: Let's raid the city already !!

J/K & Ahjumma: lessgo !!

(They start moving with full enthusiasm.They take a small break in between and when they decide to move forward ahjumma realises that J/K's missing.)

Ahjumma:Wait...Where's J/K ?

Gabs:*not much bothered* No worries we'll get him in the way ! *whistling and singing out of joy*

(On their way they find J/K clinging on the tree trying to steal eggs from a nest and the bird poking on his head. After struggling for a while he eventually falls on the ground)

Ahjumma: *looking shocked but very happy* Hahahaha..is this His Highness's way of hunting ?? *enjoying every moment of insulting him*

J/K:Cut the crap ! *his ears steaming due to embarrassment* I am trying atleast *looking like a panda with blushed cheeks*

Ahjumma:*awes* You don't need to try so hard use your brain instead! I've accomplished something you'll be amazed after seeing ! (˘ ˘ ˘)

J/K: Aren't you feeling too proud lately remember you're still an old gag *evil giggles*

Ahjumma:SHUTUP ! And watch me !
Gabs! Present your I'll mannered prince a delicious feast (˘ ˘ ˘) *feeling proud again ?*

(A bunch of various foods appear infront of him)

You regained you magic ?? * feeling the spice of curiosity alongside*

Ahjumma:Eat first talk later paboya ! *proud smirk*(*˘︶˘*).。*♡

J/K:YAASSSSS!! *enjoys the food and taps his belly to soothe it*
I'm so full *satisfied*

Ahjumma:Now then...LET'S GET BACK WHAT IS OURS !! *shouts*

(Loud chants of spirits follows her)

Ahjumma:Gabs you got a company !?? *shocked and excited*

Gabs:Me and my babez are gonna crush them (ง •̀_•́)ง‼

J/K:Then what are we here for ? *side eyes*

Gabs:You? You'll be a burden but don't worry I won't let you die(๑ơ ₃ ơ)♥

(All of a sudden)

Gabs: COMRADS CHARGE !! *shouts*

( つ•̀ω•́)つ

(Earth shakes with the loud thuds of their footsteps)

J/K: Charge ? Are they batteries or what Well I'll call them the earth shakers cuz they don't have booties to be called as the booty shakers *murmurs to himself* *soft giggles*

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