Tickle Wars

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A/n: I'm so sorry that I've been updating late recently. I'll make it up to you guys with extra updates in the coming weeks. I have a few ideas, but if you have any requests, comment them please!

It was a cold, winters night, and Connor and Evan were huddled together under a blanket, watching Pitch Perfect 2 together. Although the night was cold, Connor and Evan were not.

The Murphy household had the newest, eco-friendly heating appliances, and just being together was enough to warm their hearts.

They had already watched the first Pitch Perfect, and tired themselves out, screaming along to all the songs and bouncing around. But now, they were both sleepy and content, leaning against each other.

'I love you Ev,' Connor says, kissing Evans check lightly. He snuggled closer to the smaller boy.

'I love you too Con.' Evan replied sleepily. Oh, Evan was so cute when he was tired.

Connor smiled to himself, thinking about the day they had met, their first date, just all the happy times together. If it wasn't for Evan, Connor probably wouldn't be here at all today.

'I'm going to go make some popcorn. You want some Ev?'

Evan nodded, not taking his eyes off of the screen.

Connor walked into the kitchen and put the saucepan on the flame, heating it up. He was going to make the best darn popcorn in existence, just to impress Evan.

After 10 minutes of measuring, cooking, and seasoning to perfection, Connor was finally ready with the popcorn.

Connor laid the bowl down in front of Evan and sat back on the couch. Evan wrapped his arms around Connor, wanting to be closer to him.

His hand though, strayed to Connors ribs, and Connor tensed up.

'What's wrong?' Evan asks, worried he's done something to upset Connor.

'No, no it's nothing, I'm fine.' Connor says, adjusting his position slightly so that Evan's hands weren't on his ribs.

Evan looks down to where his hands are. A thought crosses his mind.

He moves his hand to Connors pressure point on the knee, and feels Connor tense up again.

'Con, are you... ticklish?'

'No'!' Connor replies back, way too quickly to be believable. 'I'm not ticklish, you must have got me confused with Zoe!'

Connor sounded way too defensive for Evans liking. Evan relaxed back on the couch as if nothing was the matter, then suddenly, pounced on Connor.

Evan pinned him to the ground, holding Connors arms down with his knees.

He started tickling Connor everywhere, the ribs, the neck, under the arms.

And there was nothing Connor could do.

'Get off me!' Connor struggles to says as his words are blocked with laughter. 'Just you wait 'till I get you under control. I'll tickle you so much you would wish you were never born!'

'You wish. I'm not ticklish in the slightest.' Evan says smugly, smiling.

Connor glares at Evan, then breaks as another wave of tickles and laughter come through.

Suddenly, Evan slips and lands on his elbows, only just managing to not hit Connors face with his own.

They are millimetres away from each.

'Hi.' Evan breathes, giggling slightly. He lowers himself just a little and connects their lips.

'Ha!' Connor shouts. He rolls Evan over so that he is in control and Evan is pinned to the ground.

'That's not fair! I was kissing you!'

'And you lost focus. Now I am in control.' Connor tries to tickle Evan, but true to what Evan had said, he was not ticklish at all.

Evan smiled up at Connor.

'Well, if I can't tickle you, I guess I can just annoy you.' Connor pulls his hair and of a bun and dangles it in Evans face.

'Ugh,' Connor squeezes his eyes shut and keeps his mouth tightly closed, trying to not let Connor's hair in his mouth.

'Geroff!' He shouted, but was muffled by the hair.

And that was how Zoe found her brother when she came home from Jazz band. Torturing his boyfriend who was pinned to the floor. 

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