Mended Relationships (Guitar Gal pt. 2)

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'I will sing no Requiem,


Cause when the villains fall,

The kingdoms never weep

No one lights a candle to remember

No, no one mourns at all

When they lay them down to sleep,

So, don't tell me that I didn't have it right!

Don't tell me that it wasn't black and white!

After all you've put me through,

Don't say it wasn't true

That you were not the monster!

That I knew.'

The crowd cheers. It had only been six months since Zoe had released her songs, and already she had a big fan base and over 110k followers on Instagram.

She finished requiem and Evan walked onstage to perform Only Us with Zoe. He wasn't as big as Zo, but he was still very well known. Evan had never thought of himself as a singer before, but after all the love he got from performing with Zoe, he finally started believing that he might, maybe, possibly, have some talent.

'You were great Zo!' Connor high fives Zoe after she walks off stage. He was trying his best to mend their broken relationship, but there were still times when he would snap at her.

Zoe was very fragile. She would put on a strong face, but after all that had happened to her before, the tiniest thing could break the barrier and inside, and she would be screaming internally in emotional pain. But she knew Connor was trying his best.

'Thanks,' Zoe says, smiling. She always felt good after performing. When she was onstage, it was as if the whole world fell away and it was just her and her songs. It was like a secret, that she was letting her audience in on, and it was the most wonderful feeling in the world.


'I love Connor, I really do, but I can't forgive him yet. I had to suffer through years of emotional pain, depression and anxiety. I love how he's trying, but I need to know I can trust him again.' Zoe replies to Evan.

'Connor really wants things to be good with you two again. You know, just yesterday? When we were on our date, he was telling me about your smile. How it was so subtle, and perfect and... real. He kept going on about how wonderful he would feel when you smiled. Before, he never would have noticed anything like that, but now, I know he's really trying.'

'So you guys, you would talk about me?'

'Yes, nowadays, he tells me everything he notices about you. He thinks that you're... awesome!'

'He thinks I'm awesome. My brother?' Zoe laughs.



'Well, um, he knows, whenever you get bored you scribble stars on the cuffs of your jeans.' Zoe looks down to her cuffs, smiling. She didn't realise Connor had noticed. 'And you know those quizzes, the ones in the teen magazines? He noticed that when you fill them out, you stick your tongue out a little in concentration.' Zoe laughs. She didn't realise that she did that.

'Did he say anything else?'

'About you?'

'No, never mind I don't really care anywa-'

'No no no, he said so many things I'm j-just trying to, to remember the best ones! Um, well

he thought you looked pretty cool with indigo streaks in your hair. He said you should do it again! And he wondered how you learned to dance, and sing, like all the rest of the world wasn't there. And he wants to say all this to you, he just doesn't know how.'

'I just feel as if we're a million worlds apart though. I want to forgive, but I don't know how.'

'Just, I mean maybe, you don't have to, but maybe just try talking to him from the heart. I know it sounds cheesy, but I'm sure he'd love it.'

'I'm Home!' They hear Connor shout from the doorway. He must have just gotten back from his job at Starbucks.

'You should go tell him how you feel,' Evan whispers, nudging Zoe towards the door. She nods her head slightly.

As soon as Zoe see's Connor, she engulfs him in a hug.

'I love you Con,' she whispers. 'And I forgive you. Evan told me what you said about me and I never knew you actually noticed anything about me. I love you! And I've missed you. I'm so glad that we are friends again.' Zoe hadn't realised it, but she was crying, and Connor was too.

'I love you too Zoe!' He says, stroking her hair.

The Murphy siblings, for the first time in forever, were at peace.

And in true Evan fashion, while trying to sneak out the door to not ruin their moment, he accidently trips on the umbrella stand and falls flat on his face. The moment was ruined, but the three would remember this day for the rest of their lives.

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