Tree Nerd

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Connor Murphy was the best artist in his year, heck probably the whole school. He was amazing. The only problem though, no one knew. He never showed any of his work to anyone so nothing was ever said about his skill.

Now, Connor was extremely gay for the one and only, Evan Hansen. He doubted Evan knew he existed but he still wished they were together.

Connor knew that Evan worked at Ellison State park as an apprentice park ranger during the summer holidays (he may or may not have followed one time before) and so at the moment, was currently situated atop a tree, his sketchbook open in one hand and looking down at the boy from above.

Connor probably drew Evan the most out of everything. If you opened his sketchbook, it was probably 80% pictures of Evan.

It was a beautiful day and the lighting on Evan just walking around down below was perfect. Connor leaned over his sketchbook a little, trying to get the details just right. He looked down again, leaning a little to the left to try and get a better look at Evan. Uh oh uh oh! Too far to the left.

'Aghhhh,' Connor screamed as he fell from the tree above. He landed with a thud on his arm and felt it break instantly. Shit. He had made a fool of himself in front of Evan. Connor groaned and opened his eyes a little, blinking because of the bright light.

'Oh my god are y-you ok?!' Connor heard a familiar stutter and just groaned again.

'Oh I'm so s-stupid o-of course you're n-not o-ok. Um, um, shit shit shit. I'll call y-you and ambulance. Ahh, do you think y-you can walk into the golf cart? I can drive you to th-the information centre and get b-better help there.' Connor nodded a little and tried to sit up, but hissed in pain.

Evan offered Connor his hand to help him get up.

'Thanks.' Connor muttered.

They drove in silence to the information centre until Connor realised Evan was crying.

'Shit, are you ok?' Connor asked Evan.

'Y-yeah, yeah, just a, a little panic attack. I-I'm fine. How are you f-feeling?'

'Like Hell. I think I broke my arm.' Connor closes his eyes in pain, feeling slightly nauseous.

'Umm, what can I do to, umm, to help?' Evan asked slowly.

'Can you just talk? About anything? I like the sound of your voice.'

'Umm, ok. Well, did you know that if you carve your, your name into a tree, it won't grow up? It's because the actual tree doesn't move up, but th-the bark keeps layering on top to make it taller!' Connor smiled slightly.

'Tree nerd,' he whispered with a smile on his face.


'You're good to go!' The nurse says, finishing up with Connor's cast. 'Try not to get it wet, so cover it with a plastic bag and tape in the shower. It probably feels very tight right now, but after a few days, the swelling will decrease and it should feel a lot more comfortable. If it is still uncomfortable after more than 3 days, come back and we can loosen it for you.'

'Ok. Thank you.' Connor says, standing up.

'E-excuse me?' Evan whispers to the nurse. 'Umm, do you mind if I, if I borrow that sharpie?' The nurse nods and hands Evan the sharpie.

'Do you mind if I?' Evan asks, pointing to Connors cast.

'Go ahead.' Evan signs his name in neat, tiny letters in the corner.

'You may as well fill the whole cast with your name, it's not like anyone else will sign it.' Connor says. So Evan writes his name in big letters over the entire cast.

'Thanks. Now we can both pretend that we have friends.' Connor says, sure that Evan will never want to actually be his friend. Evan probably just pities him. Right?

'Or, you know, we could be actually friends if you want? Imeannoofcourseyouwouldn'twanttobefriendswithmeI'msuchaweirdoforthinkingthatyoumightlikemeI'mramblingnowIshouldgo-' Connor cuts Evan off.

'No, no. I just didn't think that you would actually want to be friends with me. But if you actually want to be real friends?'


Two friends, true friends on a perfect day.

For Forever: Dear Evan Hansen One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now