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(A/n: I tried to do an angsty chapter but fluff is so much easier to write so it was probably shit. Sorry guys.)

Connor arrived at Evan's house for their date, but Evan was still in the shower.

'Go ahead, his room is just down the hall,' Heidi told Connor, not realising that he had been there many times before.

Now, whenever Connor is around, Evan doesn't like being in his room that much. He doesn't really have anything to hide, but is just very private and shy. So, Connor took this as an opportunity to... take a look around. He's not exactly snooping, he's not opening drawers or anything, but just carefully looking at things on display.

He sees a box on Evan's bedside table filled with papers. Walking closer, he sees that these are the letters Evan has to write to himself for therapy. He sees his name, so is interested in to what the letter has to say.

Connor hears Evan get out of the bathroom, so he snaps a picture quickly, wanting to save it to read later.

'Oh, h-hey Con! You're here! Should we, sh-should we go soon then?' Connor takes Evans hand and they walk out of the house to their destination.


Connor opens his phone, alone in his room now. Pulling up the letter he took a picture of, he begins reading.

Dear Evan Hansen,

Today is going to be a good day and here's why. Because today, you just have to be yourself! But also confident, approachable, easy to talk to, but be yourself, that's the main thing, that's the big 'number 1.'

I mean, it's not going to be like that time you went on a date with Jared because he said he liked you and then you felt pressured into going out with him because otherwise he might start crying or breaking things, and that would be terrible, and you also didn't want to hurt his feelings because he is your closest friend. It's not going to be like that because this time, you actually love Connor. You will go on your first date with him today and it will go perfectly as planned, and not like last time when your hands got sweaty so you put them under the hand dryer, but they were still sweaty just also really warm now. Because your hands aren't going to get sweaty, everything will just be... perfect. I hope. Maybe if I could talk to Connor properly, maybe nothing might be different, but maybe the whole world will change. Who knows? I guess you'll just have to hope for the best.

Sincerely, Me.

Wait, Evan loves him? Connor got really excited. They had never said 'I love you' before. Yes, Connor did love Evan, but he wasn't sure if it was the right time to say it. He should consult someone.

To: Christine Canigula

Connor: Hey Christine, I kinda of need some advice?

Christine: Shoot

Connor: Well, u know how Evan writes letters to himself? I just read one and he said he loves me. I don't know how to tell him I love him back though?

Christine: Oooohhh this is juicy!!

Christine: Maybe write a letter back to him

Connor: He doesn't exactly know that I read the letter though

Christine: Well, you don't need to tell him that u read it I guess

Connor: Ok, then what do I write?

Christine: could you send us the letter? It might help us guide you

Connor: Us?

Christine: Jenna, Chloe and Brooke are heere

Connor: Oh, ok then.

Attachment: One Image

Connor: Just don't do anything stupid with it

Christine: Ok, call us in 20 minutes and we'll tell you what to write

Connor: K Bye


Connor walks down the school hallways confidently. He holds the letter of what he wants to say to Evan in his hand. He was nervous, but if everything went to plan, they both would've finally said 'I love you' by the end of the day. He walks up behind Evan who is on his phone and taps him on the shoulder.

'Hey Ev!' Evan turns around with angry tears in his eyes.

'How could you!' He whispers, disappointment and hurt etched in his face. Evan runs off to the bathroom.

Connor was perplexed. What had happened? Why was Evan so upset? Connor hears his phone go off and sees Jenna Roland has tagged him in an Instagram post.

Connor unlocks his phone and is shocked. Jenna had posted Evan's letter with the caption 'I Ship it! High Anxiety or Tree Bros? What's ur fave Ship name?'

Connor could not believe that Jenna would do something like this. His blood boiled with anger. Jenna would get a piece of his mind. But first, he had to go to Evan. Connor searched everywhere for Evan, starting with the bathrooms, then to Evans scheduled classes, but no matter where he looked, Evan was no where to be found.

Fuck. Connor thought. Evan wouldn't be alright. He was probably having a panic attack. He definitely would need someone with him.

Connor sends Evan thousands of texts trying to apologize, but to no avail.


Evan had run home. He was mortified. Connor had found one of his letters, that was bad enough, but then he went ahead and told other people about it. The whole school probably knew by now.

He heard a message on his phone.

Jared: Fuck U! 🖕

Dammit! Now Jared hated him too. It was all Connor's fault.

He pulled out his box of special memories he shared with Connor. The rose from their first date, the vintage cassette Connor made him when Evan told him he liked retro things, the book Connor gave him for his birthday, each thing with a different memory attached.

Evan lit the fireplace.

'I saved every letter you wrote to me,' He threw in the rose.

'From the moment I read them I knew you were mine,' He ripped the book in half

'You said you were mine,' He pulled the pages out.

'I thought you were mine,' He chucks the whole book in the fire.

With each lyric of the song, he threw another item into the fireplace, until there was nothing left. Evan had no tears left in him by the end. He was broken.

'I hope that you burn.' 

For Forever: Dear Evan Hansen One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now