Death Of a Bachelor

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Since dean found out he's been trying so hard to keep his mouth shut. I'm still so mad he found out. He's the worst secret keeper.

He's spoiled every Christmas present I've gotten Cas. Every single one. Without fail he tells him.

I don't know how he hasn't said anything yet. The moment Sam and Addy got home he looked like a little kid. Leading Cas to insist they run to the store for milk. Because Cas drank the whole gallon. He didn't just pour it out, he drank it.

"Hey Sloane, a word." She said pulling me into the study again.

"He knows." I said scrunching up my face.

"How?" She half growled.

"He pulled the pregnancy test out of my pocket!" I whisper shouted.

"Hold up, who the fuck is knocked up?" Claire said looking up from her book.

"Yeah which one of you?" Harriet said popping up as well.

"Not me." I said throwing my hands up.

"Does Sam know?" Claire said with a devilish look.

"No I don't know how to tell him. I literally just found out." She said sounding exhausted as she flopped down in a chair.

"Why not just say I'm pregnant. It's not a big deal. I'm pregnant." Claire said loudly as Jody walked in.

"You're pregnant?" She said dropping her bags and staring.

"Who's pregnant?" Sam said walking in with Bobby confused.

"Claire apparently." Jody said in a shocked voice.

Poor Addy just threw herself back into the chair groaning as Harriet fell off the couch laughing. The entire room was a mess of confusion. No one knew what to say.

"Claire isn't pregnant, I thought I might be again. But I'm not. Claire was just over reacting and mocking me." I said trying to quiet everyone down.

"No ones pregnant?" Jody said in a still panicked voice.

"Just a misunderstanding. You're also here two days early." I said hugging her.

"Yeah, I wanted to help." She said still a little dazed.

"Hey Bobby." I said walking over to hug him.

"Where are your boys? And better question the little rugrats?" He said hugging me.

"Milk run, and the girls are with Gabe." I said picking up Jody's bags.

"Oh, I was at one of my old lockers the other day. I've been consolidating everything to the bunker." I said looking at Bobby.

"I found some old pictures I thought you might want. I saved everything from our apartment after you left." I said taking the bags upstairs as they followed. Leaving Sam and the girls in the study.

"Your apartment? You two didn't?" Jody said looking horrified.

"Dear god no" Bobby said looking at her.

"We hunted together. I was getting over Freddie and he'd just lost his wife. We were just friends." I said as we reached the top of the stairs.

"You never told me his name." He said thinking back to those months we spent.

"He wasn't even my husband. He never loved me. But that's the past. Anyways, I found all your shit." I said opening the door to their room.

"Your hair was as long as Sam's." Jody said laughing pulling a photo from the box.

"I'm pretty sure he and Mary are lying about Sam's paternity." I said laughing leaving Bobby with a concerned face.

"Idjits. Is that my watch?" He asked pointing to the box.

"It was in your nightstand." I said as he picked it up. It was a present from his wife.

"Thanks Sloane. This means a lot." He said smiling as I walked out leaving them to go through it.

"So I think she's telling him." Claire said popping up behind me eating beef jerky.

"I swear you're a tiny blonde dean." I said as I turned to go down the steps.

"I am not." She protested and followed as I shushed her.

"I'm trying to spy." I whispered as we hid trying to listen in on the living room.

"So, today was fun right?" I heard her say nervously.

"Yeah, of course it was. Honey what's wrong?" Sam said in response. We could barely hear them peeking through the door from the study.

"You're good with the girls." She practically whispered.

"Is that what this is about? If you don't want kids I get it, they make it work but, our lives." He said trying to comfort her but I know it's gonna make her cry.

"Do you not want kids?" She said with a heartbroken voice.

"Wait, do you?" He said with a smile that I could barely see.

"You're smiling." She said quietly. I think Sam is putting it together.

"Are you, are we?" Sam said quietly.

"Sloane said it's a boy, and that he's perfect." She practically whispered.

"You're pregnant?" Sam quietly asked almost as if he couldn't believe it.

"I'm pregnant." She said smiling as he hugged her and they both shouted it and squealed.

"Guys! Everyone! Get in here!" He shouted loudly as the walked to the foyer.

Everyone came filing in right as Dean and Cas walked through the door.

"Guys, I have an announcement to make." Sam said clapping his hands looking at everyone.

"Wait where's Charlie?" He asked looking around, she'd moved to the gatehouse with Claire and Harriet since Addy moved upstairs.

"She's over there, want me to grab her?" Claire said pointing.

"Yeah. Hurry." He said as she darted over.

Dean was trying to keep a straight face as everyone waited for them to come back. Within a minute she was dragging Charlie over in a robe with a face mask on. I'm surprised Claire managed to drag her.

"Only people missing are mom and dad but I can tell them tomorrow. Um, me and Addy have some exciting News." He said looking at her smiling.

"I'm pregnant." She said as the whole place erupted with squeals.

"I'm gonna be an uncle." Dean said so proudly.
He was so happy for Sammy. He loved Sam so much, and I know how much he wanted this for him. He wants Sam to have what he has, happiness.

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