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"Can I do the cord thing?" Cas asked nervously to Rowena and Alex.

"You want to cut it you mean?" Alex said as she made her last minute preparations.

"Yes, it's tradition for the father to do it" he said with the same shy voice.

"That can be arranged" my mother said smiling.

"It's going to burn and sting and you're going to cry and cuss and that's okay. But you're going to be tough for me" Jody said looking at me near tears.

"I've got this, you just make sure they're safe once they're here." I said fearing the worst. Jody just nodded before turning away.

"I told Bobby I had it together and he let me in. I won't get in the way" Dean said with a terrified tone to his voice as he walked in.

"Dean darling you don't want to see this" Rowena said walking out in scrubs borrowed from Alex. "As soon as they're out you can hold them" she said trying to get him to leave.

"Come take Cas's place so he can help with the girls" I said waving him over. He sat behind me towards the edge of the bed and Claire sat next to my running her fingers through my hair.

Once it all started it was a blur. Everyone telling me I was doing such a great job. Dean kissing my cheek and Claire cheering me on. It was all a blur. It all ran together. Until I heard it, the most beautiful sound. Cries emerging from fresh lungs.

The only thing my eyes saw was Cas holding Jo. She was so tiny, so perfect. He was smiling like I'd never seen.

I could see them cleaning her and Alex checking her over before wrapping her up and handing her back to Cas. He slowly walked over to us. My eyes fixated on the newborn.

"Joanna Beth, meet your other daddy, and your mommy" Cas said carefully handing her to Dean.

He carefully held her against me as Claire peered over my shoulder. The tears ran down our faces as Cas stood watchfully over us.

"She's so beautiful" Dean said before kissing my forehead. "You did so good Goldie"

I felt another contraction hit as dean handed Jo back to Cas. I braved through it as my mother checked things. She just smiled.

"And here comes little sister" And with a whirlwind of pain and cloudiness until tiny screams filled the air again.

They whisked her away to check her over as I collapsed back on dean exhausted. It took more out of me than I thought it would. but it was over and they were here. Dean cautiously moved and They helped get me comfortable in bed after an okay from my mother.

Claire got up from her spot at my side to allow the most beautiful sight in the world. Dean and Cas walking over with our daughters in their arms.

"Cas said you picked Lucy but I thought Lucifer" he said sitting down with the beautiful little angel in his arm.

"You're right. Cas, what do you think?" I said looking at him cooing over Joanna.

"Kelly, since we're picking names that honor people" Cas said peering over at her.

"What do you say, do you want to be Kelly?" Dean said in a baby voice to her.

"Kelly Claire Winchester, and Joanna Beth Winchester." I said looking at my tiny daughters.

"Kelly Claire?" Claire quietly asked from the corner

"Kelly Claire" Dean repeated motioning her over.

"Meet your big sister Kelly, she's gonna get you into all kinds of trouble." Dean said handing her to Claire who just started balling.

"She's so tiny" she whispered as Kelly looked up to her wide eyed. "Here I don't want to break her" she said carefully handing her back to me.

There was a quiet knock on the door, Jody peeked in with a smile. "They're very impatiently waiting and insisted I asked" she said in a quiet voice.

"Send them in" I said smiling as I rocked Kelly. Dean and Cas were fighting over who got to hold Jo when they all filed in.

"Sammy, you're an uncle." Dean said excitedly as he walked over to the bed.

"Is it okay if I hold one?" He said kneeling at the bed.

Carefully I passed him Kelly as he stared in wonder. Charlie was sitting on the bed holding Jo when I looked over. Cas hovering.

"Would you look at that" Bobby said with tears in his eyes.

"Everyone officially meet, Joanna Beth Winchester, and Kelly Claire Winchester." Dean loudly and proudly announced.

"Kelly, like my mother?" Jack said quietly as he approached the bed.

"Sam, let him hold her." I said motioning as jack sat on the edge of the bed. "Jack, this is your baby sister Kelly" I said as Sam handed her to him.

"She so small. I've never held one before." He said staring at her in his arms.

"Nanna's turn" I heard Jody say swooping in for Joanna.

"Bobby do you wanna come hold one of them?" Dean said smiling as he walked over hugging him.

As they fussed over Joanna Mary came and sat with me and Kelly.

"You did good Sloane. I never thought I'd be a grandmother" she said touching Kelly's little hand.

"Mom, I'm glad you're here" Dean said with his hand on her shoulder.

"I'm so proud of you" she said standing up to hug him. Dean just cried as he gripped her tightly.

I took a minute to look at the room. My father was holding my newborn daughter in his arms while my husband carefully watched. Jack and Claire were hugging in excitement, Jody and Bobby wrapped arms around Sam who looked so proud. Alex stared in the doorway smiling. And here I was looking at my baby girl with Dean and his mom by my side. This is everything I've ever wanted. And here it is, in the most beautiful way possible. This, this is my heaven.

Pure heaven, I'm so happy I don't even care about the fact I just gave birth and the room is full of people. They're my family and I'm so glad they're here.

My parents, Deans family, our family. Three kids now, we have Jack, Kelly and Joanna. Dean has never smiled so big. It's a beautiful sight, fatherhood suits him.

"How are you feeling?" Sam quietly asked sitting next to me in bed.

"Great. I'll be up by morning." I said smiling at him.

"I've never seen Dean this happy. I don't know how you've done it. But I think you fixed him" he said staring at Dean who was sniffing Joanna's head causing us both to chuckle.

"He fixed me too. He and Cas both." I said smiling. It was true. They gave me purpose again.

"I never would've thought you'd be the one to do it. Especially when I met you." He said with a smile thinking back about the night we met.

That night changed my life. I never thought it would lead to this. Who knew, all because of the man who killed hitler.

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