You're Having My Baby

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"Sloane, I'm opening the door if you don't come out, it's been five minutes and I heard a scream." Cas said in a concerned voice as I opened the door.

"What's wrong?" Dean said looking at me with my fists clenched against my chest concealing the test.

"Wow, I never thought I'd have to do this. I don't want to screw it up" I said walking into the room like I was walking on clouds.

Cas just started smiling like an idiot. He knew, he already suspected. But he knows.

"Okay someone tell me what the hell is going on" dean said throwing his hands down

I walked over to him and handed him the pregnancy test. He just stared at it. I don't think it was registering.

"Dean, I'm pregnant" I said as his eyes got wide.

He just stared at me. Eyes wide, has he changed his mind? Is he in shock?

"Dean?" Cas asked touching his shoulder

Suddenly the got the biggest smile I've ever seen. "This is for real?" He said looking at the test again.

"I suspected this morning, but I didn't want to say anything" Cas said still smiling.

"We're having a baby!" Dean shouted picking me up before grabbing Cas.

"We're having a baby!" He shouted running out to the foyer causing Sam and Charlie to come running.

"Are you serious?" Sam said staring with a smile.

"Oh my god you have to sit, Someone get her food and a chair" Charlie said darting around.

"I'm fine Charlie. I'm more than fine." I said smiling as Sam hugged dean.

"I gotta call Bobby" Dean said smiling so big.

Cas walked over to me after I got done hugging sam. He put his hand on my stomach and smiled. This was really happening.

The next morning Dean brought me breakfast in bed. A full spread far more than I'd ever eat. And that's when I realized these next nine months were going to kill me.

"I can walk down the stairs Dean." I said annoyed as he walked holding my arm.

"I'm not suddenly glass" I said mocking as Claire just burst out laughing at us.

"What the hell Dean? She's like one of the most powerful things out there and you won't let her walk down stairs?" She said laughing as she walked to the kitchen.

"Yeah but now she's got Dean junior in there" he said insisting on holding my arm as we walked out to join them.

"You're pregnant?" She practically shouted almost dropping her glass of juice.

"Shit, you went to bed early last night" I said putting my head down.

She just stared at me in shock. I feel so bad she didn't hear last night. God I'm terrible.

"I'm really sorry Claire, also Dean, I told you last night, it's a girl" I said as he finally released his grip so I could sit down.

"Before you say it, I know, I'm not allowed to hunt anymore. But I refuse to give up the shop. At least let me have that" I said as I eyed down Dean and Cas

Dean threw up his hands to surrender as Cas poured himself some coffee. I love them but I'm going to go insane. I guess I'll have to up things at the shop.

When we got there I started to move things around only to get yelled at by everyone. They were going to treat me like I could break at any moment. I wish I could just untell them.

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