Feels Like Home

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Everyone stayed about a week after we killed the foreign god. Donna went back first, and patience and jack went back to Jody's a couple days ago. My parents are off god knows where.

Jody and Bobby had to leave because Jody couldn't keep explaining why she was off work. Claire officially moved into the carriage house. And things were starting to get back to normal.

Dean and I haven't been fighting as much. And Cas has gained even more pseudo humanity. We're getting into a routine. And I'm opening my office again here in New Orleans.

"Dean Winchester! Where the hell is the pie I baked for the new neighbors?" I shrieked looking in the kitchen for the apple pie I made as a peace offering.

"I made you one of your own. Now where is the damn pie?" I said staring him down as he walked into the kitchen.

"I didn't touch it. Swear to chuck" he said holding up his hands.

"He didn't, I hid it in the pantry in the apartment." Charlie said walking down in her pajamas.

"I'll go get it. Relax Sloane, why are you so worried about the neighbors?" She said in an annoyed tone as she headed back up the stairs.

"Yeah Charlie is right. You're really worried about them" Cas said sipping his coffee.

"We're normal. Normal people are friends with their neighbors." I said trying to find the pie saver I bought for them.

"Cabinet above the stove" Dean said grabbing some bacon from the Island.

"Thanks" I said as I went to retrieve it.

Charlie popped in setting the pie down on the counter before opening the fridge.  She shuffled through it as Dean and Cas finished their breakfasts so we could pop over before we headed for work.

We walked over and Cas rang the door bell. We agreed in advance not to let Dean touch it. We both knew he'd try to embarrass us by pressing it a million times.

Within about a minute a young woman with bright pink hair opened the door smiling at us.

"Hi, I don't mean to bother you, we're the Winchester's, we live next door in the blue Victorian and I baked you a pie." I said smiling with Dean and Cas quiet behind me.

I was just waiting for dean to try and embarrass me. I knew it was coming. He's turned into one of those husbands.

"You have no idea how much my wife loves pie" she said smiling before leaning back inside to call her over.

"I'm Jasmine and that's Julia." She said smiling as she pointed to her pregnant wife walking over.

She looked about five months along. And as soon as she saw the pie she pulled it from jasmine's hands smiling. Her and dean will get along well. I can tell.

"I'm Sloane, that's my husband Dean, and that's my other husband Cas." I said shyly.

"Oh I'm the other husband?" Cas said in a sassy voice making Julia giggle.

"He's cute, I like him." She said smiling.

They seem like sweet people. Normal people we could be friends with. Until our insane family ruins it.

"We have to head to work, but It was lovely meeting you, and I'm sure we'll see you at this weekend block party" Dean said smiling after checking his watch.

We exchanged numbers and goodbyes and quickly headed to town. We rented a tiny storefront in the heart of New Orleans. I decided to pitch it as a crystal and herb shop.

Let's us keep and eye on things. Let's us help hunters, watch for problem witches and learn any ghost stories. Dean wasn't too happy about it, but Charlie planned to help me run the shop.

I was also going to need something to do when I got pregnant. This would work. We could make it work anyways.

"Sometimes I forget you're actually a witch until I see you do shit like that" dean said laughing as I burned sage and set my crystal alters up.

He just chuckled before kissing me and heading up stairs with Sam and Cas to set up their offices.  Charlie and Claire agreed to help me finish setting things up today. Claire planned to hunt full time though. She liked New Orleans.

"Could you teach me how to be a witch?" Charlie asked while she was decorating the window.

"Born witches are one thing. That's what I am, witches who start human, you don't want that. But I can teach you the nature side" I said smiling as I handed her more crystals to set out.

She worked arranging it as Claire set out the rest of the baskets. I went to adjust one of my large crystal pillars when I heard the bell ring as the door opened.

In walked a tiny blond with thick glasses, and a messy bun.

"Do you have like magic like stuff here?" She said shyly looking around at the various witchy things.

"What are you looking for?" I asked walking up to her.

I was wearing a flowing dress, Sandals, and my natural red waves down. I looked like a traditional Celtic witch. Claire insisted it would be better for business I guess time will tell.

"Do you have things that like cleanse bad spirits?" She asked quietly as she picked up a couple stones and set them back down.

"Like, bad juju, or a visible spirit?" I asked as I walked over to the sage bundles.

"I um, there's a ghost in my new house." She said quietly. It caught Claire's attention because she stopped moving and just stared.

"It's thrown some things, and I have these marks" she said pulling up her sleeve revealing massive claw marks down her arms.

"Go upstairs and tell them everything you know, and they'll get rid of it." I said pulling back the thick velvet curtain.

"Really?" She asked quietly.

"It's kinda the family business." Claire said smiling and taking her upstairs.

"Charlie?" I asked after Claire and the blond vanished up the steps.

"Yeah? What's up buttercup?" She said climbing up from the store window.

"Do you think we can make it? Make this work I mean. Is it possible to?" I asked sitting in my large arm chair.

"I know you can make it work. This is gonna be awesome."

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