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"Mom, I don't feel too good." Danny dragged himself before his mother.

"it might have to do with the chemicals you accidentally encountered in the lab. Well. No fever, baby. Go on to school." Maddie shooed her child away.

Danny pushed his way into the bathroom in between class. He leaned over the gross school toilet. He choked and gagged. And, to his horror, he lost the contents of his lunch. He took a pause, breathing heavily. He felt so bad. He puked-again-and-again.

His insides felt like they were heaving themselves outside so they weren't inside anymore. Dear god, was that his f*cking lung?!

The thing shifted, before shaking himself off and leaping away. Danny pushed himself away, his eyes wide as he leaned against the stall door. There was something wrong.

Because puking up what looked like a dog was NOT normal. Not at all.

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