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Danny was in his gym class, when an earthquake started. Danny dove under the bleachers, pulling Dash with him. A huge chunk of concrete landed where Dash just stood. Everyone else were running out into the halls, screaming.

When it was over Danny stood. He looked around. Trapped. He thought about phasing through the wall, but when he turned he ran into Dash, who was Looking around. "Watch where your going, Fenton." Dash growls. "It's your fault we're here."

"If it wasn't for me you would be a pancake by now." Danny growls.

Dash opened his mouth and looked at Danny. "You have a cut." Dash noted.

Danny looked down to see a giant gash that cut through his shirt. It ran the length of his arm, and just started bleeding green and red blood. Her ripped off the hem off his black shirt and wrapped it around his cut. "We can deal with that later. Now we need to get out."

Danny pulled out a Fenton Phone. He turned it on. "Sam? Tucker?"

"Danny where-" A monotone voice interrupted Sam.

"Connection Lost." Danny growled. He looked at the Fenton Phone.

"Come on!" Danny said. He set his hand on the wall, to see if he could phase through. Nothing.

"No. No.No. Shoot." Danny mumbled. Dash looked at him strangely. Until a ghost popped out of no where.

"Daniel. I have come- Who's that? You were supposed to be alone." The ghost said. The ghost himself had a deep voice, a sneering smile, and flaming white hair.

"Dannnnn. Let us goooooo." Danny complained. Dan was proven to be a good ghost, and often played pranks like this on Danny.

"What, no? What would be the fun in that?" Dan asks. "Ohhh, Dash." Dan came to a realization of who he was.

Dan faded. "Figure this out yourself Danny. Brighten your skills. I put the ghost shield in the walls. Can't phase through them now, can you?"

Danny took a deep breath.

"Who was that?" Dash asks.

"A friend who likes putting me in situations like this. Most are alone. He's a ghost." Danny sums up.

"Just a ghost? That hurts." Dan says. A paper flutters down and Danny snatched it.

"How do you get out?" Danny reads aloud. "Maybe you should know, Dan. You put us in here."

Danny kicked at a piece of concrete, making a big crack appear in it. Dash ignored this and tried to lift the nine hundred pound ceiling blocking the doors. He huffed and puffed with Danny and Dan watched with amusement. Both had their arms crossed and a look on their faces that said, Really?

Danny walked up and lifted it with ease, tossing it to the side. "There. Now the door's locked." Danny says.

Dash tried the doorknob, with no success. Danny smashed the window, reached over and unlocked the door. "There Dan. Now turn off the ghost shield."


Danny growled as Dash grabbed his arm and tried to pull him out the door. Dash passed easily but Danny couldn't get past the door. "Why can't you get through?" Dash asks.

"Ghost shield. You go on, I got this." Dash sprinted down the halls.

Danny phased through the floor, and popped up outside the gym. He ran, and saw Dash talking with the A-Lister's. Danny went to Sam and Tucker, where Sam stitched up his arm. The next day Dash stopped trying to explain Danny and the ghost to people. It was pointless.

For Danny, everything was the same. Time to get on with life.

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