Kind of Like my Other Supernatural One

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Danny hovered around the field, bored out of his mind. Normal ghost were angry or wanted revenge. All he wanted was his freaking dog

"He's the one that's been killing them." He hears behind him, and suddenly he was wrapped up in a silver rope. Three people stood over him.


"Quiet!" One of them says. Another crouched down in front of him, and held his hand out. Two dark grey and black things fluttered behind his back. Danny struggled, his eyes wide. He tried moving back, scared.

"G-go away!"

The man pulled his hand back. "He isn't guilty." He mutters. 

"Then who is?"

There was a howl off to their left. Danny blinked. "Cujo?"

There was thunderous paws, and suddenly a dog crouched down in front of Danny, and started licking his face, tearing off the ropes. "C-cujo!" Danny shouted, wrapping his arms around him. He felt the part of him and his dog remaining in the human world shimmer out of exsitance as they ascended to Heaven.

*Danny had a really strong bond with his dog, who protected him. When he was accused of murder Cujo nearly killed the person who killed him, resulting in Cujo dying as well. Cujo had been lead to the field by Sam, Dean, and Cas. Cujo had been killing the descendents of the man who killed Danny (Who was only fourteen at the time)*

Dean and Sam stared at the spot where the boy and the dog just were. "I think you did your research wrong." Cas says gruffly. 

"No ****, Cas." Dean says, turning to the angel.

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