Jake From State Farm

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Jake, Danny, and Randy always joined up once a month for a nice general conversation about hero-ing. More if there were issues.

Danny was late this particular time. He held Jacky in his arms as he closed the door of his mini-van with hid foot. "Hey Jake!" Danny smiles.

"I've known you for eight years. And I didn't know you had a kid?" Jake asks.

"Aw! He's adorable!" Randy says.

"Who are you talking to?" Jacky asks, barely waking up. Danny suddenly got a devious smirk.

"Jake from State Farm." Danny says.

"Well Jake from State Farm should be quiet." Jacky says grumpily, sniffing and going back to sleep.

Randy held back a laugh, and Jake stared at Danny fire a split second. Danny was holding back a laugh now too. "Oh my god." Randy snorts.

"I am going to burn you alive." Jake says to the other adult.

"Why is your kid here now?" Randy asks.

"He's sick and my baby sitter quit." Danny says.

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