Ten Feet Tall

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"And now you truely have to wonder, Tom. Is Danny Phantom even needed anymore?" The woman asks. Danny pulled out his earbud, leaning back in his bed.

Was he even needed? Maybe he could have his old life back. Yeah. Go back to his plan. Since the town didn't need him anymore, he could go back to his plan. Danny laid there for a second, before going to his closet. 

He grabbed a journal from the top shelf, opening it up. He grabbed a pencil from the desk and sat down in his chair, pushing papers to the side and setting his journal down. His old plan. He stared at the empty paper.

Because no one needed him. Tucker and Sam were doing just fine. The town was safe. His mom and dad were passing on like he didn't exist. Like always. He couldn't get to the Ghost Zone. Jazz had dropped off the grid. Nothing left. 

Danny gave a light smile, tears forming in his eyes and crawling down his face. He wrote.

Dear everyone,

First, let's get this straight. I was Danny Phantom. Pretty obvious, I know, but you guys barely knew me. I'm just a whisper in the wind, someone who doesn't belong or fit. I'm not strong, I'm not needed. So don't mourn. 

Second, I'm not perfect. I'm not invincible and I crumbled. This was my plan all along. Jump. Hang. Drown. I was needed for a short while. So I put my plan on hold. Stuck around for a while. I'm not strong. No matter how much I put on a smile for you, Sam, Tucker. Go on without me. Be bold and grow up. Forget me. I'm not worth it.

Thirdly, I want to thank you all. This town gave me a short-lived purpose. A reason to stay. 

Fourth, mom and dad, I don't know if you remembered but it's my birthday! My sixteenth, actually. Not my fourteenth, because I'm not thirteen, no matter what you thought. It's not your fault you forgot me. 

Because we're not all ten feet tall able to face everything against us, Danny. 

Danny set the journal on the bed, grabbing rope from his closet.

*Sorry if this is sad, I'm just really feeling lonely and pointless right now.*

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