"I wish to give you masters a brief tour." Timothy explained and the later nodded

As they walk more likely they could feel the old world like walking in pages of preserved paper books. as the ancient towns from Earth looked like, it was a bit refreshing, Iason got surprised to see a young man reading a book a real book made from paper even Orphe got intrigue it was very expensive, and some draw and paint as well it was luxury outside Regina, but timothy defended it was made by the shop they are seeking, it was made from wood scraps and old fallen leaves, recycled papers from other cities trashes, it was cheaper here, local publishing houses use the papers to create new books a very cheap one to cater the theme of the town.

"This company is dignified as well themed in the town itself, they will not be a good hit in Midas, technology more pleasure and leisure not sentimentality" Orphe said as he calculated in mind

"They might get bankrupt with cheap prices and no patrons like this. They would just last few months." Iason agreed

"We are here my lords" Timothy said and open the shop's door

Sounds of wind chime

"Lord Franc!" An old man approached them

"Amir, this are the one's I've been talking, this is Lord Mink" he gestured to Iason and "Lord Zavi" and then to Orphe

"I am Amir the shop manager, I have heard that you seek twenty violins for next month but we are afraid to tell you we might not sustain with your demand"

"Rejection upon request?" Orphe said

"No my Lords it just happens that we are already full till next five months, and we are already turning down other clients." They entered the shop the smell of the varnish, the wood and the scent of sandalwood it was truly old world, they could also see other clients and some are even families with children.

"Do you have extras the one you keep in shops?"

"We are sorry my Lords, those are already reserved and we will have new stock to fill the shop by next week. It is only ten violins nothing more."

"That's too little stock." Iason said it was like talking to this old man seems forever and talking to a naturalist!

"My Lords we are truly sorry we also lack wood supply, Lord Franc knew we also wait our trees to mature to make good products we couldn't just use premature ones."

"We see, no wonder you got stuck forever in Regina the Owner is too old fashioned" Iason said

"But my master have his heart creating the instruments every single thing we could offer you is made by love, his love."

The word love, what if he had open up to Riki, he might have been not lost. But who is he fooling, off course he would still loose him, he was not like him, he is human he would grow old and die, like how the faith of the retirees in here, and what real purpose of the mongrels of ceres. They were escorted at the back of the shop where the factory is located, Orphe was surprised and delighted on how it is sorrounded with lush vegetation and trees upon trees, Amir said it was all the fruit of devotion and work of his master, he made the place very beautiful, Timothy added that the owner as well is the one whom he bought the trees and plants at the plaza and made it so lush, it was him also from time to time took care of it for free.

"It seems his very old." As they look at the factory it was painfully old world, Iason was so bored he wanted to go back to Tanagura, or it is better off to go in Ceres he prefer the rowdiness and chaos, maybe it is because Riki's alive in memory, there he could imagine him, or he would prefer home where he often caged him.

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