Supergirl pulled back her arm and delivered a really brutal punch to his stomach that sent him flying out the window she came through.

Blitzkrieg went crashing through two buildings before finally reaching the ground. He had a pretty rough landing, but it was nothing he hadn't faced before. His training with Overgirl was much more intense this. He notice Supergirl flying over to him, "Is that all you got!"

Supergirl took this as a challenge, she flew down at him with incredible speed, ready to send him flying another three blocks.

Blitzkrieg saw her coming. Using both his arms he created two cyclones that he used on Supergirl.

Supergirl tried to fly through his attack, but since she had nothing to hold onto she didn't get far. She lost the fight and was sent flying backwards and landed in a tree.

When she got down she was met by another red ring of lightning surrounding her. She tried to free herself by using her heat vision, but he was moving to fast for her to land a hit. Giving up, she got a different idea. She focused on one spot on the ground and used her freeze breath on it, creating a small patch of ice.

Blitzkrieg didn't realize what her plan was and so he was surprised when he lost his footing. He slipped and fell on the ground.

As soon as Supergirl saw him down she quickly flew over to him and tried to stomp on his leg, trying to break it, but before she was able to make contact with his leg, Blitzkrieg moved himself out of the way.

"Did you try to break my leg?", Blitzkrieg looked at her surprised, "You were going to break my leg."

"Don't be such a baby, you would have healed." Supergirl taunted him.

Blitzkrieg quickly got up and took off running down the street.

Supergirl took off after him, she couldn't lose him.

Waverider Bridge

"How are we doing?" Iris asked Felicity. She has been standing around watching the fight from the window since the start of the war. Since nobody allowed her to fight and she didn't have any tech skills, there wasn't much she could do but just watch.

"Sorta good." Felicity answered, "We've lost most of our D.E.O and Argus agents, but we are hold in there. Dark Arrow and Green Arrow have just confronted each other but it looks like they are evenly matched."

"What about Kara, how is she doing? Has she managed to free Barry yet?" Iris asked.

"Not yet." Cisco responded, "It's not going to be easy remember, Supergirl is holding back, this Blitzkrieg guy isn't."

"Well we should send someone in to go help her.", Iris suggested.

"We can't. We are barely holding our own against these assholes. No one is available to send.", Felicity explained, "We just need to place our trust in Kara."

"Then send me down there, I'm his fiancée, if anyone can get to him it's me." Iris suggested, wanting to do something useful.

"No way." Cisco responded.

"Barry Allen assaulted you last time you tried to talk to him, you're obviously not a qualified candidate for this mission Iris West." Brainy answered, "I predict an 80% chance of Supergirl successfully freeing Barry Allen; while yours, Iris West, is only 30%."

"What?" Iris asked not understanding what Brainy was talking about.

"Don't take it personally Iris." Felicity quickly said, realizing that hearing the probably chances didn't help her feel any better, "Brainy probably just took into consideration that fact that Kara is invulnerable and can hold her own against Barry. He didn't mean anything about your connection to Barry."

"Yeah. Thanks Felicity... Hey I'm going to go into the other room, I just want to be alone." Iris told Felicity.

"Alright. We'll be here if you need us."

"Thank you." With that Iris left the room, leaving the tech team alone.

"Is Kara's chances really 80%?" Cisco asked amazed by the 12th-level intellect being's knowledge, "I thought it would have been lower, I thought Iris would have had a higher chance."

"Affirmative." Brainy confirmed, "Once you take into account Supergirl's power levels with that of the Flash's, Supergirl barely reigns supreme over him."

"So Kara is going to win!" Cisco threw his arms in the air in joy.

"Not quite." Brainy corrected, "Like you previously said, Supergirl is holding back while Blitzkrieg isn't, if that is the case then Supergirl most definitely will lose this fight."

"Wait what?" Felicity asked confused, "If she loses, then where does that 80% come from?"

"Isn't it obvious? It's her close connection to Barry." Harry finally stepped in.

"Dr. Wells is correct." Brainy confirmed, "Although on the outside Barry and Iris appear to have the closer bond, if you took time notice and analyze the small signs and interactions between Barry and Kara, you can easy come to a conclusion that Kara and Barry have a much stronger more firm bond then that of Barry and Iris."

"Really." Cisco said not really believing him, "Well alrighty then. As long as Kara's chance stay at 80% we are fine."

At that moment an alarm went off.

"What happening!" Felicity yelled while covering her ears.

Cisco began to type into the computer to find out what had triggered the alarm, "Someone just stole the jump ship."

"Iris." Felicity said, "She's going for Barry."

"Oh no." Brainy said putting a hand to his head, "Supergirl's chances of succeeding just dropped to 50%."

So what did you guys think of the fight between Supergirl and Blitzkrieg? Is that how you guys would imagine it going, that how I think it would go. Anyway don't forget to leave a comment or ask a question.

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