Saeyoung x Reader

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Prompt: "Well do you love me?...." She said looking into his cold dark eyes. "Not the way you want me to. No"

Oh god...

When everything seems to finally be turning for the better, something just has to happen. It was bound to happen, that was understood going into this relationship, but to be honest, it still hurts. How could it not? Being ignored sucks, especially by the one you love, and no matter how persistent (Y/N) is to Saeyoung, whether it's to eat, sleep or shower, Saeyoung just doesn't give in. Any attempt is meet with harsh remarks, if not silence.

Today will most likely be no different from any other time. So, with a plate of food in one hand, the other hand goes to knock on the red head hacker's office door.

"Saeyoung? Dinner is ready, I have some here since I figured that you wouldn't be joining Saeran and I at the table." Silence. She waits a moment in case something happens, but when there is none, she continues to speck through the door to the person on the other side. "Okay... I'm coming in now" With that (Y/N) opens Saeyoung's office door and is met with the usually scenery, a pitch-black dark room with the only source of light being the couple of monitors owned by the hacker and now the hallway light. Chip packets and pop cans litter the ground around his chair along with most of his desk area, but luckily there's still a spot for a plate.

Walking over, (Y/N) sets the plate of food on the desk and then turns to face Saeyoung. It's been, like, 3 and a half days since he ate a real meal, and it's becoming increasingly concerning. Even Saeran started to grow a sliver of concern for his brother. Though she stands right beside him and a single glance her way is possible, he does no such thing, only continuing to stare at the glowing computer screens that are a mere unhealthy centimetre away from his face. Sighing, she finally specks ups.

"You need to eat Saeyoung, please. Both Saeran and I are worried for you." No reply. "C'mon, please Sae, if not for yourself then-" she's cut off by Saeyoung's sudden movements, him spinning his chair to face her.

"Will you just go away? You're bothering me, don't you see that!?" he spits, irritated that (Y/N) walked in while he was working. Nodding silently, (Y/N) starts to walk out the door, saying a quick, but loud enough for Saeyoung to hear, "Okay, sorry, I love you" as he turns back to his computers, half hoping, half expecting an 'I love you too' to be mutter back, but there is none. Usually whenever this happened he would but him not doing it now is foreign to her. She stops, turns on her heel and walks back to his chair and spinning it around so he's facing her.

"Hey, I said I love you" she repeats.

"So..." he asks back, exhaustion and irritation clear in his voice.

"Well do you love me?" She said looking into his cold dark eyes. Just wanting to get her out of the room so he can finish his work, Saeyoung doesn't pay mind to the next words that slip through his lips.

"Not the way you want me to. No" Then, he turns back to hacking away.

Sighing once more that day, (Y/N) does, honestly, the only logical thing to do, walk out of the dark and depressing room, pack a couple of things and go to one of the other member's houses to crash, awaiting Saeyoung to come and apologize. He always does when this kind of mood happens, it's not the first time after all. In a day or two, she'll be back in Saeyoung's loving embrace, she's sure of it. She always does.

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