Yoosung x Reader

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Prompt #28 ~  "Hey.." he said sitting down next to her - " you look different since the last time I saw you" She laughed, a genuine laugh " Please like you actually care. The last time you saw me was 2 years ago before you moved to that preppy high school and left me broken hearted. " " I didn't know you felt that way I - -" " the sad part is you did and now the harms done you can't take it back. "  

707: Yoosung!! Did you know (Y/N) goes to your school too!

He stared down at his phone screen, shock and excitement on his face. Not only did his childhood friend that he hasn't seen in two years suddenly pop back into his life, but the same person is at his school! And... this girl is the girl who Yoosung swears he's fallen in head over heels in love with. He focuses back into the chatroom, starting to type out a reply.

Yoosung: Really!? That's amazing!

(Y/N) has entered the chatroom

(Y/N): Hey boys ^^ How's it going?

707: lolol~ hey (Y/N)!

Yoosung: You go to my school!?

(Y/N): If it's SKY University then yes, we are in the same school Yoosung.

Yoosung: !!!!

Yoosung: R-really, wow...

707: Wow is right Yoosung

Suddenly, the bell for the University rings, signaling that the next class is starting soon. A sudden thought popped into Yoosung's head, 'I wonder what class (Y/N) has now? What if it's mine!?'

(Y/N): Well, that's the bell Yoosung

Yoosung: What class are you in next?

(Y/N): Yours

(Y/N) has left the chatroom

Yoosung: What!?

Yoosung: Gtg Seven see ya!!

707: Yep~ see ya

Yoosung has left the chatroom

707 has left the chatroom

Packing up his lunch, Yoosung slings his backpack over one of his shoulders and heads inside the University. Walking through the halls, Yoosung approaches the door to the Lecture Hall in no time. When he's about to enter, a girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair stops him in his tracks.

"Yeah?" Yoosung asks, confused on why this girl stopped him.

"Yoosung, it's me" the girl says vaguely. After a few moments of thinking, it finally clicks.


"Bingo" she confirms. Yoosung, completely forgetting about his class, swoops her into a huge hug, happy that he's able to see his childhood friend, and "crush" you could say, again. Before Yoosung could start talking, (Y/N) beats him to it. "You know the bench in the yard? Meet me there after school." She instructs with a poker face on before heading into the Lecture Hall for you know... a lecture of some sort. Too happy to acknowledge the face used while saying it, Yoosung smiles at the thought of sitting down and talking with (Y/N) again like old times. Walking into the room, Yoosung finds a seat and sits through this class. It's the last class of the day, and a very boring one at that, so his mind is quickly clouded with thoughts of (Y/N).

Finishing up class, Yoosung grabs his bag and heads to the designated spot that (Y/N) mentioned before class to him. Rounding the corner, to his surprise, Yoosung sees that she is already sitting on the bench, a sucker in her mouth. Walking over to her, Yoosung raises his arm to try and get her attention, while also calling out to her.

"Hey! (Y/N)!" but all she does is spare him a glance in his direction. Confused and now not as enthusiastic as before, he slows down a little on his way over to her.

"Hey.." he said sitting down next to her – "you look different since the last time I saw you" she finished off her sucker and threw the stick into the nearby trash can without even getting up then turned to face him. 'has he really forgotten how he left me?' she thought to herself before she laughed, a genuine laugh.

"Please like you actually care. The last time you saw me was 2 years ago before you moved to that preppy high school and left me broken hearted." He looked pained at her harsh words. He knew his mistake right after doing it but never got the courage to mend their friendship back then. Even now, he wants to deny what he had done.

"I didn't know you felt that way I - -" she laughs again but this time humorously, effectively cutting Yoosung off, and she shakes her head at him.

"the sad part is that you did and now the harms done you can't take it back." It's Yoosung's turn to shake his head now.

"No! C'mon (Y/N) please! I didn't know how to turn you down before and-and I was stressed with moving schools. I didn't even want to move back then and I was just so focused on school and grades that I never payed any attention to love and feelings so I didn't know that I had them for you but now I do! Please (Y/N) forgive me, I'm sorry!" Yoosung rambles and pleads to the (h/c) haired female. She seems deep in thought, contemplating whether or not to forgive the former brunet, but now blond, boy in front of her. Finally, after what seemed like forever, she cracks a smile towards Yoosung.

"I forgive you Yoosung~! I can't stay mad at you" she tells him cheerfully. Yoosung shot up from his seat on the bench and cheered into the nearly empty campus, the few people still there giving him confused looks but Yoosung could care less. Yoosung grabs (Y/N)'s wrists and lifts her from her seat too, spinning her around in glee.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you (Y/N)!!" he says, bringing her into a huge hug, with her returning it wholeheartedly. Yoosung then suddenly stops his jumping up and down and pulls away slightly to look her in the eyes.

"Yoosung?" she questions worriedly, the fact that he suddenly stopped surprising her a little.

"(Y/N), can I ask you something?" he asks and she nods, ready to hear and answer anything he might need. "Will you become my pre-girlfriend? I don't think I'm ready for you to become my full-on girlfriend just yet, I want to become more manly for you." (Y/N) giggles slightly at his reasoning but nods either way.

"Of course, Yoosung, but only if you become my pre-boyfriend?" she says with a smile. He continues to look at her in the eyes and slightly leans his forehead against hers, smiling too.

"Of course (Y/N)."  

Mystic Messenger One-Shots (RFA x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt