She Knew. He Didn't. (JuminxReader) (Request)

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She knew.

The late nights coming home from work, the unfamiliar smell on him when she greeted him at the door, the slight dishevelment of his clothes and hair.

He played off the late nights with more work or that he lost track of time but it started to happen ever night. It just doesn't happen this often. There was no way that he lost track of time, all the time, that's just not like Jumin. There's also no way there is lots of paperwork every time, there just can't be. There's no new huge project or event coming up, so it's not logical for there to be mounds of work for Jumin to do.

And there is no other conclusion that can be made for the new, sweet aroma that followed Jumin home or the displacement of hair and clothing other than...

Jumin Han, her husband, is cheating. And her suspicions were confirmed when she heard the culprit and Jumin in his office, making unmistakable moans, groans, grunts and name calling. He is cheating behind her back.

After everything they've been through, he decides to cheat, even after making her promise to never leave his side. It's getting extremely hard to keep that promise but (Y/N)'s pulling through, just barely though. Nights like this one are the ones that make it hard for her. Jumin arrives home, (Y/N) greets with an embrace and a couple of kisses, while getting a whiff of that sweet vanilla perfume, a scent that drives partners crazy. He just kisses back and asks "Love, I missed you so much. I was thinking of you all day; did you miss me?"

"Of course, I missed you; I was thinking of you all day too darling" is the only response that can be said by her.

'Lies, so many lies were said in those couple sentences. It's disgusting but I need to keep my promise.' That's the only thing running though (Y/N)'s head as this scene plays out.

To keep the promise, she made to Jumin.

This has been the daily route for the past couple of months and yet, (Y/N) still has not left nor confronted Jumin on the matter. One day, suddenly, something came up. (Y/N) was having some trouble breathing at times so she decided to go to the doctors to see what's up. Not telling Jumin anything about this, of course.

"Well, Mrs. Han, it looks like you have asthma, nothing to be too worried about. If there are any other problems with breathing like experiencing pain while breathing, come back right away, okay?" (Y/N) nodded at the doctor's orders and went back to the penthouse.

The next week was pretty uneventful, Jumin doesn't know about (Y/N)'s asthma, he still came home late smelling like vanilla, and her heart kept breaking more and more every night. But, one day while Jumin was at work, (Y/N) was just sitting on the couch with Elizabeth the 3rd on her lap, when it suddenly became hard to breath. She hoped it would pass, and it did, but then right after she started having a coughing fit and coughed up blood. (Y/N) immediately headed back to the doctor after getting rid of the blood so Driver Kim wouldn't start suspecting anything and tell Jumin, but just to make sure he didn't say anything, she said to him to not tell Jumin under no circumstances. He agreed without hesitation. 'He can't know, he doesn't need to know' she thinks on the way.

Once there and called into the doctor's room, the doctors ask "Welcome back Mrs. Han, what seems to be the problem?"

She relays everything that just happened at the penthouse and the doctor's expression quickly changes from a small smile to a very serious face. "Blood? How much?" he asks.

"About a palm full, why? Is it really bad?!"

"Well, we are going to take some tests and X-Ray's, if that's okay?" She gives the doctor a nod and is ushered into a room.

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