"Let me have a lick too." Kanato appeared on the other side of Yui while licking her. She squealed. "Your right Laito, she does taste sweet."

"Stop that you two, it is highly inappropriate for you to do that to a woman you have just met."

"But it's only natural to taste something that smells sweet. Kanto agrees with me, right?" Laito told with a smirk. "I do" A simile smirk was on Kanato's face

"Have you forgotten ore-sama saw her first, so it means that I will be her first everything." Ayato said with an arrogant smirk.

"You and that stupid nickname." Subura called

"Dam it Subaru come out and show yourself."

"Over here, dumbass" Subaru was leaning against a wall. "I thought I smelt human in her. How dare you ruin my precious sleep!" He punched the wall in anger. Yui shook in fear.

"Has anyone been told why this young lady was brought here?" Reiji asked the group.

"Excuse me, I think this is a misunderstanding so I will be leaving now." Yui went to leave but was stopped by Reiji.

"You are being rather impolite if you leave when we haven't sorted this situation."

"But I..."

"Are you the girl that he mentioned?" Shu said lying on a couch with his headphones in. Not bothered by the girls presence.

"Do you know something about this?" Reiji asked, staring at Shu with a frown.


"Don't maybe me Shu. I think all of us would like an explanation." Kanato said with a frown.

"It was that guy, he contacted me the other day. He told me that we were receiving a guest from the church and to treat her with respect." Shu told them with his eyes closed.

"Did mother say anything?" Kanato asked with curiosity.

"She did, she said that she was going to visit us in a couple of days." Shu gave them a slight smile at the thought.

"So mothers coming, huh, hopefully she leaves that prick behind." Ayato gave a hopeful look.

"She could do a lot better than him." Kanato said thoughtfully.

"I agree" Laito added

Reiji coughed to gain the brothers attention "We are getting of topic."

"Pancake her is the perspective bride?"

"What?" Yui looked confused

"She's more like a sacrifice than a bride" Laito said, looking at the girl with uncaring eyes.

"Oh yeah, we were explicitly told not to kill her." Shu finished

"You better get use to us bitch-chan because we're going to have a very long relationship." Laito gave her a wink.

"I see now, that there was no misunderstanding her at all. So allow us to introduce ourselves. The first son is Shu, he's the blonde one. I am the second son, Reiji. Next are the triplets, Ayato, the one you met at the entrance. Kanato, he's the purpled haired one and Laito is the one wearing fedora. And the last son is Subaru."

"Tch, what a waste of time."

"This has to be a misunderstanding, I wasn't told any of this and besides your kind of weird." Yui said "I think I need to contact father." Yui searched for her cell phone but couldn't find it.

"Are you looking for this?" Ayato waved the phone in the air, enjoying the look of distress on Yui's face.

"Give it back!" Yui went to reach for her phone but Subaru grabbed it out of Ayato's hand. "What are you doing?" Yui glared at Subaru

"This is what I'm doing" Subaru crushed her phone in his hand, he then let it dropped to the ground.

"Why did you do that?!"


"Oh. bitch-chan you wont be needing that silly phone because you have our company after all." Laito whispered in her ear. Yui had enough and ran away from them, as soon as she started to run, she fell flat on her ass.

"Ouch!" Yui had cut her knee. The smell of blood hit the vampire, making them excited at her weak form. "Their all vampires" Yui reached for her cross and pulled it out in front of her. "Take this!"

"Do you honestly believe that a cross would work against us. It makes me furious at the arrogance of mortals."

Yui started to run again in the mention, trying to find an escape.

"I can't wait to break you. Since mothers coming, we can do it together." Kanto gave a sadistic grin. "Don't you agree teddy?"

Yui ran passed him.

"Now, now ehere has bitch-chan ran off to?" Laito snuck up behind her "Here she is."

"Get away from me!" Yui ran to a door but it wouldn't open

A hand was placed firmly on the door. "Did you think you could escape ore-sama? Your not going to escape pancake" Yui pushed his arm away and ran up a staircase. She ran into a room, there was a padlock and chains on the ground, near it.

Yui looked around, she noticed that there was purple haired figure oat the window. the figure gave Yui a smirk, causing her to fall back into a book case. A few books fell out.

Yui picked up a book that had a picture of a priest and a baby in it. She read it and gasped. "I'm not my fathers daughter"

"Of all our room you had to pick hers. You shouldn't have been able to come into this room, ill need to put a new lock on it." Reiji said, causing Yui to panic at the sudden appearance of him and his brothers.

The triplets surrounded her, making sure she couldn't escape. The days events had taken a toll on her, she fainted. Ayato caught her in him arms.

"Reiji, what room is pancake staying in?" Ayato asked

"The first one down the hall." He replied.

Everyone else scattered to do their own thing, seeing as their new entertainment was indisposed at the moment. Besides the new bride, Cordelia or 'mother' was visiting, which put them in a better mood.

With Cordelia
Cordelia sat at a cafe in France, she was sipping on an expensive red wine. She had just told the boys that she was going to visit them.

It had been centuries since she was reincarnated into her new life. And she can't say that she doesn't enjoy it. As time went by a few morals went out the window. Some may call her a heartless bitch or a sadistic one but who wasn't, especially when you live with the Sakamaki family.

So what if she wasn't exactly sane none of her family were, and she wouldn't change it for the world. The awakening of that women was coming and she wanted to witness her second downfall. It was her fault anyway, she shouldn't have played with fire, because those who did got burned.

"Oh, I need to go buy them some souvenirs." Cordelia thought "I wonder if they would like a french girl or two?"

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