The Top Student, The Rebel and The Teacher

Start from the beginning

"We thought it not wise, they wouldn't be able to explain the marks as well as we could." He comes closer as he talks soothingly to me, but I still don't trust him.

"Just get it over with and explain it to her, we're running out of time Brother."

He looks to the janitor and nods. "Yes, very little time at all." I lift my eyebrows and look at the two of them, they don't look like brothers.

"That's because they're vessels, stupid head." My eyes open wide and stare at the new figure who has arrived, I don't know how he got in here.

"Holy Moly, you're voice, that voice, it's been in my..." Holy Crap it's been a long fricken day, that is the voice from my head, my inner voice. "As much as I love the company of three guys I don't know, I'm gonna have to gap, places to go, people to see and stuff to do, you're hospitality has been greatly appreciated and will be remembered." I try to open the door but there isn't one. Where's the door? Why isn't there a door?

"You must listen child, I am Michael, I am your Guardian." His eyes sparkled a bit as he revealed his name, he talks a lot older than he looks. He points to the janitor. "This is Uriel, he is your Guide." He then points at the other man, I can see him now, he's middle aged, not unattractive but not eye candy either, his features were rather plain, kind of like someone you would underestimate. "And that is Gabriel, he is your Guard."

"Why was your voice in my head?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Because you needed guidance."

"But you always told me to be a rebel, how is that guidance."

"I'm just cool like that." He seemed like he wanted to be that 'cool mum' that everybody thought would be awesome but actually isn't, it's quite amusing.

"Wait... Gabriel, Michael and Uriel. Where have I heard those names before? Oh my god, they were a group of guys at my old school, such a coincidence that the same names are here as well, in fact, I've known quite a few Gabriels, Michaels and Uriels. What are you and why have you been following me around like my entire life's existence?" My breathing increased dramatically as I noticed how many times the three names had been in my life and from past experience, I know coincidences don't exist.

"Good grief have you never read the bible girl?!" The janitor, I mean, Uriel rose from his chair, seemingly in anger but he didn't come any closer to me.

I frown. "Why would I read the bible? I'm not a Christian."

He sighs, clearly fustrated. "We are Angels child, Michael is the one who saved you from the falling poles in your physical education class."

"Angels." I pause as the word roles on my tongue. "Oh okay, so what happened with my arm?"

They seemed surprised that I took it so well. "You are not questioning us?" Michael asks.

"Nah, I've learnt to just role with it when it comes to weird stuff."

"Told you she'd take it fine, now get to explaining Michael." Gabriel seemed to be like a teenage boy trapped in a mans body, he was sarcastic and always trying to be funny, a goofy nerd if you ask me.

Nobody asked you.

He gave me a sideways glance and smirked.

"Yes, explaining, the markings on your arm and back, they are the words of God guiding you. For instance, the wings on your back, they show you that you have been touched by an Angel and the hourglass shows that you are running out of time." He says his words like they are facts from a book, reciting them for the purpose of his teacher and it scares me.

"Running out of time for what?" I ask, I don't always respond well under the pressure of time.

"We hoped you would be able to shed some light on that." Michael looks at me like he's failed because he didn't know, I feel like I should do something.

"It's okay, we'll figure it out Michael." I smile and place my arm on his shoulder, which is too high so I move down his arm a bit and I think I heard him moan slightly, but I'm sure it's nothing.

I stand back and look at the three of them, Michael was clearly a top of the class student, Gabriel, a rebel but still good and Uriel seems more like a teacher to me.

A rebel, I like that.

"I should probably go, I have homework to do." I smile innocently and hope they fall for it.

"Yes, your studies are important." Uriel ushers me to a door and I'm in the corridor again, I turn to say bye but the door has gone, so much for manners.

"JACK!!!" I turn at the sound of Dillon's pleading voice. "SHE'S MISSING JACK! WHAT DO I DO?! SHE'S GONE!" His breathing is intense to just hear and sweat pours down his skin.

"Calm down Dillon, who's missing?"

"Mallaurie, it's Mallaurie, she's the one who's missing." His eyes are terrified and his senses are on edge. Like he loves her or something, but that's impossible right?

I look to my arm. "Oh no." This must be what I'm running out of time for, Nicola must have Mallaurie.

The Not So Perfect School For Perfect Children (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now