Bedroom Madness

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Chapter 3

Jack's POV

As I walk through the giant, beautifully carved, mahogany doors I realise I had no idea where I was. Well, I knew I was in the USA but that was about it, in the limo the windows were that dark that I could barely see out of them and so I had no bearings to determine my location.

"Where exactly am I? And I am so sorry but I didn't catch your name." I asked causiously, scared I would offend the elderly women but she dismissed it easily and answered me with a wave of her delicate hand.

"You are at the living quarters of Prinston School for excellence students, my dear, that us all you need to know and you do not know my name because I did not give it to you, you haven't earned it yet."

"Oh.." Is all I could come out with as I am in shock by her abrupt and strange answer as well as the fact that she had left down one of the corridors, not looking back and assuming I had followed. I struggled to catch up with her as she pounded me with the school rules as we walked the endless corridors and stairs to supposedly was my room.

"3, no leaving the grounds at any point, unless with an adult of our staff. 4, tardiness will not be accepted. 5..." Soon her endless rules became muted as I noticed the beauty of the house I was deemed to live in. The beautiful polished wood with light, modern walls gave the house a formal yet modern look and we passed the games room, which as huge, I began to like my new version of home.

This is not home you moron, what kind of rebel are you? Drooling over the bloody interior, typical! Grow some balls Jackie dear you need to get expelled remember?

The thing that I hated most about my inner voice was that a lot of the time, unfortunately, it was right and I did promise myself that I had to get out of here, I could still change my mind thought, right?

No, you can't.

Hang on, why is my inner voice telling me to be rebellious? Isn't my conscious supposed to make me be good?

While I was having a mental uprising with my inner voice, I could feel a pair of eyes staring at me intensely and I can tell you it made the hairs on my neck stand on edge.

"Are you day-dreaming while I am telling you important information Miss Ryns!? I sure hope not because I only repeat these instructions once."

"Yes... Miss."

"Nice try but it is ma'am darling, not miss, I am far too old to be classified as a miss." She emphasised 'far too old' which, in normal circumstances I would of been unable to control my laughter, but on this occasion I was still figuring out if I had offended her or not and it was hard to tell when her face was unreadable.

"No need to look so worried my dear" Clearly my opinions were plastered on my face "By your results, it's quite clear that you are not used to..." She paused in thought of what to say "... This kind of thing." As she spoke she gestured at the house with her hands and smiled almost apologetically, but I just knew it was fake, posh people fake smile a lot and so did 'Ma'am'.

You are so stupid, did you miss the point about, results and how they show what kind of person you are...

Again, my inner voice was right, how could my exam results show I wasn't used to the posh boarding school life?

It doesn't, you idiot!

I walked the rest of the way trying to find a logical explanation for ma'am's strange statement and even by the time we reached my room, I still hadn't found one. We reached the double, yes double doors, of my living quarters and I gasped as I pulled them open.

"I'm glad you like it miss Rhyns, we like to make sure that all of our students are comfortable and happy when they stay here."

She smiled, almost as if the whole sentence was rehearsed, or maybe she was the only one greeting new people so she said it a lot.

Or maybe it's rehearsed... You're to nice Jackie... And you need to get expelled remember.

I ignored my voice for now as I took in my beautifully breath taking room, well, rooms before me, I had a spacious lounge area with bright patterned cushions and cream wallpaper with an intricate design on that was only visible from certain angles and a huge flat screen T.V. There was even a kitchenette with granite work tops and the latest electronics, I sighed at the wonderful place I was deemed to live in and I pinched myself, yep, I did the whole 'I'm dreaming, pinch me' crap.

"I will leave you to settle in, someone should have brought your things up and dinner is at 6pm sharp." With that she was gone, obviously she had better things to do than watch me take in my room.

Holy Shit

Yep, even my inner voice was impressed with my queen size bed and vintage accessories. That's when I heard it, someone was in my bathroom, it was only a slight noise but after going to some of the places I have, you learn a few things. I open the door to what looks to be my wardrobe and I screamed. There was a guy in my room, a hot one but still a guy, sniffing my clothes like they were a drug or something. He jumped at my sudden appearance and looked down at the dress he was holding.

"I'm so sorry but I..."


Tyler gave a cool, collective smirk that would have made any girl drool, well apart from me as he was just sniffing my clothes, before replying.

"Not my fault that she smells sooo good." He glanced at me possessively, looking me up and down. "She's easy on the eyes too."

"Get out of my room asshole."

It's about time you spoke up.

As he left, I turned around to thank my saviour to find no one standing behind me at all, strange.

"Are you looking for me?" Came a voice from behind me. "I'm Alice, by the way." She extended her hand and I accepted it.

"I'm Jack." I replied as she giggled.

"Isn't that a boys name?" Alice looked about my age and her accent was almost like an Australians. "And just so you know I am from New Zealand and if you ever call me Australian I will make your life a living hell here." Her voice was stern and serious, clearly she hated being called Australian, not that it took a genius to work it out and I was not going to get on the wrong side of her with the insults she through at Tyler only shortly before.

"It can be a boys name and good to know, I'm from England and if you call me French I will laugh at you." We laughed together and she told me things about New Zealand she missed, her family and friends she couldn't wait to see again. While she was telling me her stories, I got time to admire Alice's beauty, she had fierce auburn hair styled into a pixie cut, deep thoughtful green eyes and a figure that had curves in all the right places, even though she was petite. She was completely different from me in every way. I was tall, I had some curves but not like Alice and I had light, boring blue eyes. Even though Alice was extremely pretty, she wore little make up and was radiating confidence, I mean, I was confident but in more of a badass kind of way, instead of being completely happy with how I was, like Alice and soon I was completely distracted, forgetting all about the incident earlier. After I listened to Alice a little longer, she looked at her watch and jumped up.

"It's nearly 6 o'clock!" She exclaimed. "We do not want to be late for dinner, the boys down there eat like animals!" I laughed and I followed her, and my nose, towards what could turn out to be an interesting dinner.

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