The Most Important Meal of The Day

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Chapter 14

Jack's POV

I was always told that silence, true silence was impossible, there was always noise but as Mallaurie and I walked into the cafeteria for breakfast, it was silent. Or as close as humanly possible, well, supernaturally possible I guess. I look down at her, seen as I am a little taller, I smile for encouragement but she looks terrified. We walk towards the table with a large assortments of breakfast foods on it, some look familiar, like toast and cereal but some look completely foreign, I guess some people are from miles away. I grab some toast, it looks delicious, while everyone is still looking, this is ridiculous. I turn around and snarl.

"What? Ain't you never seen a girl before?" Ugh, sometimes people really annoy me. Everyone blinks a few times and goes back to their breakfast, I hope they choke on it. Mallaurie is giggling and that cheers me up, she doesn't need all the attention after being so alone. I look at her plate and my eyebrows raise. "I thought you weren't hungry."

"I'm not." I look at her and the plate with a quizzical expression.

"Oh really." She had enough to feed three people, it was like an english breakfast with added extras, including fruit, french toast and yoghurt.

She looks down and when she looks up and winks. "I'm not passing up the experience of eating whatever I want and not getting fat. It will drive some of these girls insane." She walks to a table and sits down with a smug smile on her face when she catches some girls staring at her. Her buzz, however, is crashed by one single event.

Luke has walked in.

Mallaurie's POV

That's right, look this way in awe at my eating habits. Stupid faerie.

Oh no.


What am I going to do?

He could blow everything. Should I tell him? Am I allowed to tell him? Jack is tugging on my shirt.

"Mallaurie, snap out of it. He's coming over. Act normal." She's panicking. I'm panicking. This is bad.

"I don't know what normal is."

Oh this is so bad.

"Hey Jack, who's your friend?" Oh his voice is beautiful. I always loved his voice. My wonderful brother. Oh how I've missed him.

"Eeerrr, well, this is, errr." Oh this is my cue.

"I'm Molly. Nice to meet you."

"I'm Luke, nice to meet you to." He looks confused. "I'm sorry, have we met before?" Oh no. He's recognising me.

"Not that I know of." I say a little too quickly.

"Oh." His voice sounds broken now. I reminded him of me. Oh, Luke I wish I could comfort you.

"You ok Luke?" Jack asks, concerned.

"Yeah, just checking on you. I couldn't find Alice to ask her."

"I'm lots better thanks." She smiles, a genuine smile. "Where did you go last night? You took me to my room didn't you?"

"Yeah." He looks embarrassed. "She was in an accident and I took her to her room." He says to me. Oh. He thought, I would think that. That is quite funny. I try not to laugh.

"I know." Wait, how could I know? Oops. "I mean, you know, because Jack told me." I'm talking too fast again.

I turn to Jack to save me.

"Anyway, where did you go?" She asks.

"Alice thought it would be better if I left, she's more of a friend to you than me." He's lying. I can't believe it, he's actually lying to her. I give him a hard stare, foolish I know but he deserves it.

"Oh, well thanks for asking, I'll see you around Luke." She smiles, not genuine though, maybe she knows he's lying and he leaves awkwardly.

"Yeah, see ya." Poor boy. He was never good with girls.

When he's out of ear shot, she turns to me. "He was lying, wasn't he." She looks hurt. 

"Yes." I sigh. "He was lying."

Helena's POV

So, that little bitch has a guardian and now a friend isn't she the lucky one. There's something different about this girl though, she smells funny. I leave the cafeteria, I can't stand the look of her. She makes me sick. Dylan is coming. I can feel him. He doesn't feel welcome though. I wonder what's wrong.

"Helena." Oh he sounds pissed.

"Yes Alpha." I submit, as is required.

"Care to explain the events of yesterday."

"I was getting rid of a problem."

"Helena, that problem is protected by an Archangel! I already have enough crap with running this pack, you know, like naturals trying to kill us, I don't need fucking Angels hating us too!"

"I didn't know Alpha."

"No. You didn't, well now you do, so back the hell off, ok. That's an order."

"Yes Alpha."

He leaves, still in a bad mood, the stupid Alpha! I was saving his reputation and he picks that measly little human over me. I hate her. I hate him. I will kill them all.

"I could help you."

I turn around to find Samantha. I don't smell her scent though.

"What do you want witch?"

"Only to help." She says innocently.

"With what?"

"I can make you more powerful than him. That would make you the Alpha. Not him."


"Oh, details don't matter. Just meet me later tonight in the Hex room."

Finally, some luck. "Fine."

Samantha's POV

Stupid wolf. She thinks she's so smart.

"It's done Nicola. We have the she-wolf."

She smirks with triumph. "Good. We must prepare. There's going to be some changes around here."

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