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Holly groaned as she sat in resus as she felt a contraction hit her. She groaned in pain as she pushed in pain. She rested her head back and looked to Connie and Charlie who surrounded her. It was too quick for her to get up to delivery. She felt the tears roll down her face "where's cal" she asked as Charlie looked to her and smiled "were going to find him" Charlie said as she looked to him and smiled as she rested her head back and groaned as she felt a contraction hit her as she pushed. She felt relieved as she looked as her baby was wrapped up. She felt the tears roll down her face as cal Walked in and looked to her and frowned as holly was handed their baby. She looked to their baby and smiled as cal sat next to her and took a hold of her hand and smiled

"I'm so sorry that I wasn't here, I got caught up in cubicles, I'm so sorry" he said as holly looked to him and smiled as she looked down to their baby who wrapped her hand around Holly's finger and smiled "it's okay, your here now and that's all that matters" she said as he looked to her and smiled as he leant in and kissed her briefly before looking down at her baby and smiled "we made her" holly said as she looked to him and smiled "she's beautiful like her mum" he said as she looked to him and smiled as he wrapped an arm around her and hugged her close as she held their baby and smiled "so are you still up for calling her Emilie, you don't need too" cal said as holly looked to him and smiled "no, she's definitely an Emilie" holly said.

A few days later holly sat in the car with cal and Ethan as they went off to spread their mums ashes. Holly had gotten her mum to watch Emilie for her. Holly smiled as they got to the beach and stood from the car and took a hold of Cals hand and smiled "it's going to be okay" she said as he looked to her and nodded as he walked  over to where Ethan was. She looked to them and smiled as she stood by the car as she decided to give them a moment. She stood watching them and smiled to herself


Holly stood on the phone to Claire and smiled as cal and Ethan walked over "I'll call you back mum" she said as she hung up and looked to cal and Ethan and smiled. She had noticed that they had made up and that there was no fighting or awkwardness between the two of them anymore "well it's about time you made up" holly said as cal looked to her and rolled his eyes. He walked over to her and hugged her as she looked to him and smiled "are you okay" she asked as cal looked to her and nodded. "I love you holly, I really do" he said as she looked to him and smiled as she placed a hand on his cheek and smiled before she leant in and kissed him "I love you too cal"

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