Meeting Time pt. 1 • 30 •

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"SAL," I hear Ash yell and I smirk, "you couldn't be nice and wait a while for me?!"

I giggle like a lite bitch and just shrug, "Not my fault that Larry's a biter,"

She gags then begrudgingly hands Todd another twenty bucks. He snatches it with a smirk and stuffs it in his pocket.

I can tell that a couple teachers notice, but none of them say anything. Kids definitely notice, and only a few comment. One of them being Travis.

He stomps up to us at lunch and glares at me and my neck, "So you really are a faggot, huh?" He slams his hands down on our table, "Bet it was that long-haired pothead,"

He rolls his eyes at Larry, "Both of you are going to hell--,"

"Yeah, yeah, Travis," Larry interrupts him with a wave of his hand, "See ya there,"

Travis looks flabbergasted and shocked, "I am NOT going to hell, Johnson," He spits out and leans over towards him.

Larry smirks, but glares hard at Travis, "Based on what I know, only god can judge me," He looks Travis up and down, "and you don't look like much of a god,"

Travis tries to stutter out a response but just flips us off and stomps back to his table.

The rest of the day is uneventful gladly. Larry agreed to take me to Dad's appointment, but only if he could go in with me. I said that we'll ask.

He texts Lisa to say where he's going then we hop in his car at the apartments. We just throw our stuff in the backseat instead of walking inside.

We don't really make small talk on the way there. Instead, we jam out to some good metal like AC/DC and Metallica, along with some other more alternative bands like P!ATD and MCR.

Larry's POV

His dad better not try anything.

"Larry?" Sal asks, sounding impatient.


He groans, "You zoned out for a bit, glad we didn't crash," His tone is comical so I chuckle. "You missed the best part like twice," The music is turned down probably so he could get my attention.

"What song?" I glimpse at the stereo, but decide to just keep my eyes on the road.

"Bad guy, y'know Billie?" He drums his hands on the door and turns the volume up.

Billie Eillish is really good for her age, her music is just too slow for my taste. Bad guy is one of her better ones, though.

"I missed the 'duh', right?" I see him nod from the corner of my eyes with a hum.

"'duh' is the new 'just go trip over a knife'," He comments before laughing.

"Heh, you're not wrong," I smirk and pull into the center's parking lot.

Luckily, there's a couple spots open near the front. Perfect.

I turn the car off and open my door. Sal reaches for the handle, but hesitates. He's still shaken up.

I get out, close my door, and walk around to his side and open his door. He looks at me with scared eyes so I grip onto his hand reassuringly. He closes his eyes for a second then quickly steps out.

"Ready," He nods at me. I smile at him then walk hand-in-hand to the door.

The waiting lobby is more crowded than our last visit, but not unbearable. Most of the people in here are small kids, and that makes my heart break.

The receptionist tells us that it'll be maybe a 10 minute wait at most so we go and find a seat.

"Bet I can find out that someone's pregnant in the first three magazines?" Sal says and picks up a magazine from the huge stack on the end table.

I smirk, "first two," I slap down five bucks on the table. He glares at me but I can tell he's smiling.

Before we can finish our bet, a nurse in scrubs opens a door and calls out, "Sal Fisher, Larry Johnson?" That was quick.

"This isn't finished, Johnson," Sal spits out then walks a few paces ahead of me. I just roll my eyes but I can't help but smile.

The nurse leads us to a room with two couches and an important looking work desk. Henry is sitting on one of the couches with a deep scowl rooted on his face.

Sal's POV

Dad stares at me with a look that could kill. I scoot a little closer to Larry and my nerves settle down a bit.

"Your nurse will be in in a m--" The nurse who led us in here starts before Dad interrupts her.

"Why the fuck did you bring me here?" He goes to stand up before the nurse moves in front of him. "I don't need to be in some crazy house, Sal,"

"Sir, please sit down or we'll have to calm you down," Dad's eyes widens and he sits back down.

The nurse, who's name tag says Jessie, pulls a walkie-talkie off of her belt and calls in what I assume is our nurse. Dad is still glaring at me, and he continues to glare as Larry and I move to the other couch.

We wait in a deadly silence before a taller blonde nurse comes in and smiles. Jessie whispers something to her, pats her back, then leaves.

"Hi, my name's Veronica and I'll be your nurse/therapist/ whatever you want to call me," She smiles and lets out a tired sigh.

This is gonna be hell.

hey, sorry i havent been updating as much
ive been getting ready for a trip to my grandpas house, as well as dealing with my mental health declining. im fine, just more anxiety, probably from this trip. i might make an update late in my art/vent book, but right now i need to pack haha

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