9 "The Floral Ranger"

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~-Chapter 9: The Floral Ranger-~

After taking a quick break at the Pokemon Center, Skylar Turquoise made her way to the pokemon gym of the city, holding a pokeball in her left hand.

After taking a quick break at the Pokemon Center, Skylar Turquoise made her way to the pokemon gym of the city, holding a pokeball in her left hand

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On sight of the gym, the raven head noticed how different it was from the other two gyms she had challenged.

The building was made of wooden logs, placed in a way that looked similar to a forest of trees. The roof of the gym was made out of what seemed to be leaves. The statues were made entirely out of wooden planks, like the sign placed on the roof, but the glass door she had seen in the previous gyms was suprisingly the same.

Sky attempted to walk inside of the gym, but bumped facefirst into the locked glass door.

Sky turned to look the ground, tears of frustration rolling down her cheeks and a large angry pout on her face

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Sky turned to look the ground, tears of frustration rolling down her cheeks and a large angry pout on her face. There was a mark on the bridge on her knows, indicating the injury.

A passerby Ace Trainer walked up to her, "Um, you do know the gym is closed, right?"

The turquoise eyed girl sighed, "Does this happen often?" She questioned. "Well, I mean, yeah, of course. The gym leader is a pokemon ranger after all. You never know when she might leave her gym for a mission"

"Oh, do you happen to know where she is right now?" Sky asked, tilting her head upwards in order to look at the helpful trainer. "No, but you could ask someone in the Ranger HQ. It's not far from here, just look for the three story building with the large sign." He replied with a smile.

"Okay, thank you!" Sky grinned, walking away. Electran, who was sleeping in her back, climbed on her shoulder with a small bandage on her claw. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2019 ⏰

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