1"The Name's Sky!"

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Somewhere in the magical world of Pokemon, existed a region known as the Feisis region.

It wasn't highly ranked in population, but it was in beauty. It was an aquatic paradise with amazing myths and legends. Most people have no idea this beautiful place exists, but the citizens of the region still cherish their home.

Our story starts in a quiet little place by the sea, a village known as Bloo Town. Not even 10 people inhabited it, but the 7 ones who did loved their home. It was a town with rocky roads and wooden houses, quite small in size. The place resembled an old fashioned village, although it was just a small town by the sea.

 The place resembled an old fashioned village, although it was just a small town by the sea

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In Bloo Town lived a twelve year old girl named Sky Turquoise. Her hair was a smooth black color and her eyes were a vibrant turquoise, which was nicely complemented by her tan skin. Her usual outfit consisted of a turquoise sports visor with white stripes, a yellow hooded t-shirt with a small white lightning bolt symbol, grey-blue knee-length shorts, yellow sneakers and a turquoise backpack.

She had two great friends. Her cousin, Jolt Turquoise, who had spiky black hair and electric yellow eyes, also complimented by his tan skin. He usually wore a black and yellow headband, an orange hoodie with an small lightning bolt symbol, brown knee-length jeans, yellow sneakers and a black messenger bag.

Her best friend was a girl named Amber Blitz. Her hair was a honey blonde color, usually kept in a ponytail, and her eyes an reddish orange. She usually wore a white tank top, a red jacket, black jean shorts, black and red sneakers and a red and white shoulder bag.

Today, young Sky was going to visit Professor Spruce with her friends. The girl jumped out of bed and got dressed in her usual outfit before the Hoocturn could even finish their beautiful song. Downstairs, she was greeted by her mother. Her father worked at the region's post office HQ in the capital city, so he wasn't home often.

"Morning, Sky! Did you sleep well?" Her mother asked. The girl's face formed a sort of nervous expression. "G'morning mom... Well... I..." "Skylar Seashore Turquoise! Don't tell me you stayed up all night watching Pokemon battling videos again!" Her mother yelled, handing her daughter a plate of cookies and mug full of milk. "I'm sorry!" Sky said with her mouth full.

"I didn't hear you." Her mother frowned. "I'm sorry mom, it won't happen again. I promise." The girl repeated before slurping all of her milk. "I hope you intend to keep that promise." "I will! Bye mom!" She chirped before slipping on her turquoise backpack. "Sky!" She heard a voice yell from behind her.

It was Amber. "Hey Amber! Where's Jolt?" The raven head asked. The honey blonde playfully rolled her eyes before pointing behind herself. A raven headed boy with spiky hair ran up to them. "Hey cuz! Sorry I'm late, Amber jolted off without me." Jolt smirked at his pun. His friends on the other hand, gave him a 'seriously?' look. He laughed before telling the duo they should start walking to the prof's place.

Together, the three friends walked over to a sea blue laboratory. They walked in and called the professor's name. They were soon greeted by Professor Luke Spruce. He was a brown eyes brunet that wore a white lab goat and a dark blue t-shirt. He was one of the youngest lead researchers in the whole pokemon world.

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