3 "Electran's Forest"

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Soon after her visit to the Pokemon Center, Sky Turquoise did some shopping at the Pokemart for some basic items (Pokeballs, Potions, Antidotes etc) before leaving Jade City for good.

The raven headed girl remembered what that trainer named Lucas had told her. She was definitely going to be catching the pokemon he mentioned.

With a bright smile, Sky and Shulpy took their first step into the Meadow Forest. A forest ranger walked up to the trainer. "I apologise, but due to some problems in the forest, no trainer without permission is aloud in Meadow Forest. Please go through Route 2 and continue your adventure from there."

Sky nodded and walked off. She quickly spotted a sign with 'Route 2' carved into it. "Let's hope that this is the area  Lucas told me about" The raven head muttered, placing her visor inside her bag and putting her t-shirt's hood atop her head, as the sunlight seemed to be bothering her.

The route resembled a forest, with many grassy areas and multiple pine-trees. She begun looking for a certain electric type. It wasn't exactly long until Sky found it. She spotted a small yellow mouse pokemon atop a tree branch.

Sky begun to climb the tree, soon realising that the pokemon had already left. She assumed that the tree shook when she begun climbing and the pokemon got scared and ran away.  A smile appeared on her face when she saw a small piece of yellow fur on the grass. The raven head hopped off, her hood quickly falling off. With a sigh, she put on her turquoise visor back on.

Her cute little Shulpy ran up to her. Sky picked him up and placed him down in front of the fur. "Shulpy, can you use your sense of smell to find that pokemon?" The girl asked, receiving a nod from the puppy pokemon.

After a quick sniff or two, Sky and Shulpy ran off, Sky mostly following Shulpy. The water type soon found the mouse pokemon playing by a lake. Sky greeted it kindly. It was a bit cautious at first, but they became friends eventually.

"Hey, you mind if I scan you with my pokedex?" Sky asked. The Pokemon nodded, its cheeks sparking up a bit.

Electran, the electric mouse pokemon

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Electran, the electric mouse pokemon. Type: Electric

The girl smiled at her discovery. "So you're an Electran, huh? I actually wanted to catch an Electran for my team. What do you say?"

The small pokemon nodded. With a confident smile, Sky threw a pokeball. After several shakes, sparkling yellow stars glimered around it. She picked up the pokeball from the grass happily. She sent her new partner out and it relaxed on her shoulder.

Electran helped her navigate through the route. There were some trainers to battle, giving her plenty of time to train up her new buddies.

Eventually, young Sky had reached the ironically colorful Plain City. How was it named and why? No one knows, no one cares.

This city's Pokemon Center was the classic rosy red color. The first gym was there as well. The leader mastered normal type pokemon. Sky had done enough training.

With a deep breath, she walked in.


I know, short chapter.

Kinda easy when you have no track of time.

I hate making short chapters.

Honestly, I hope mobile readers find it decently long due to the difference in size.


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