8 "The Evildoers in Meadow Forest"

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~-Chapter 8: The Evildoers in Meadow Forest-~

"You dare meddle in Team Legend's affairs? I'm going to make sure you regret it, brats!" The shady person exclaimed, pulling out another pokeball.

It turned out to be a guy, around 18, with untidy dark hair and menacing dark eyes. He wore a gray knitted cap decorated with a light yellow feather, a dark gray sweater with a white letter L and a pastel yellow feather design, a yellow scarf, light gray jeans and shoes. 

He sent out another pokemon, a Snaslynous to battle alongside his Swuirrel in a 2V1 battle. The boy seemed too cowardly to battle, so he assumed that he'd be battling the girl alone.

But, to his surprise, Jolt acted fast, sending out his Vinoon to battle. Sky immediately took action, "Glidet, use Acrobatics"

A feint blue glow radiated around Glidet as it begun to zip through the sky in a zigzag partner, dashing into the Swuirrel  and fainting it.

Jolt watched Glidet in amazement, surprised that it fainted Swuirrel in a single hit. The sketchy trainer grunted in anger, "Snaslynous, sludge"

An orange, poisonous liquid squirted out the Snaslynous's mouth, but, just in time, Jolt jumped into action, "Vinoon, jump in front of Glidet and use Protect"

The cocoon pokemon jumped in front of Glidet, summoning a protective shield that turned the sludge to shreds. "Okay, Glidet, use Steel Wing!"

A silver glow emerged from the pokemon's glider wings as it soared in to the air and hit the Snaslynous, once again performing a one-hit KO. The grunt's face reddened in anger, steam coming out of his ears and nose.

He sighed and retrieved his partner with a sly smirk, grabbing the pokeball of Jolt's Lunaroon and running into the darkness. 

Noises of irritation came from Jolt, "COME BACK HERE AND GIVE ME MY LUNAROON BACK YOU JERK" He yelled. The raven haired boy turned to his cousin, "C'mon Sky, let's get him!"

Sky stared at Jolt with wide eyes. "Um, Jolt, I think you might need to take a look at your Vinoon" She exclaimed, her voice choked in shock.

Confused, the spiky haired boy shifted his gaze to his Vinoon, who was  surrounded by a blue glow and changing in shape and size.

When the transformation was completed, Sky slipped out her Pokedex and scanned the pokemon.

When the transformation was completed, Sky slipped out her Pokedex and scanned the pokemon

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Vineefly, the leaf butterfly pokemon and the evolved form of Vinoon. A grass and bug type.

Now, instead of anger, pure joy decorated Jolt's face. Skye raised an eyebrow at her cousin and crossed her arms, giving a small giggle when her cousin raised the Vineefly in his arms and started squealing, "Oh my Arceus!"

"Cuz, you might want to start looking for that weirdo before he gets away with your pokemon" She reminded with a small chuckle at his immaturity. 

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