Chapter 10

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To make up for last chapter being so short, I will try to extend this one.


I woke up in Luke's arms, at 6:15am. It was Monday, and I was ready to cry. I hated school, honestly and today was especially dream wrecking, because today, I had to do my monologue for my play audition.

The play was a grade in my drama 4 class. It's basically about a couple, Alli and Baxter, who are in this weird fantasy world with goblins and dragons, and I was auditioning for the part of Alli, because she had the most female points for the grade.

I got up and picked out a lime green collared shirt and my capris with flower lacing. I but on my half boots and went into the bathroom to put on my eyeliner, foundation, and mascara. I always wore the same blue stain burned jacket, but it was comfortable.

I went downstairs and saw Luke fully dressed, in a yellow collared shirt and beige khakis. I went into the cupboard and got myself a bowl of Special K.

"Morning, gorgeous", Luke smiled.

"Morning Luke", I smiled back.

I finished my breakfast, got my binder, and headed out the door. I got into Luke's shiny chrome sports car and drove off.

"Ugh school", I moaned.

"Hey don't you have that monologue for the part of Alli?", Luke asked.

"Yea", I sighed, "who are you auditioning for?".

"I think Baxter", Luke said, confusingly.

"I'm so stressed out about school", I cried.

"You and me both, Brooke", Luke sighed, "you and me both".

When we got to school, we went straight to Mr. Hanson's. We sat next to each other.

"Ok class", Mr. Hanson began, "for your bell ringer I'd like you to get out a sheet of paper and copy what's on the board".

I got out a piece of paper and copied down the board. I read the board and it said that today we will be able to write about one person that has impacted your life and how. I looked at Luke. When Luke noticed I was staring he laughed. "What?".

"Read the board", I told him.

He looked at the board and smiled. I copied down the bell ringer and answered the questions. When the bell rung, Mr. Hanson closed the door and stood in front of the class.

"Today", he clapped, "we will be working on an essay. An in-class essay you should be able to finish before the class is over".

The whole class groaned.

A note hit me in my neck. I opened it.

Hey Brooke... so I heard about you're little drowning incident. lol maybe next time the ocean will win <3

Anyways, toodles ~Nikki :)

I looked at Nikki and she smirked. I hid my face in my jacket and put my head down and waited for Mr. Hanson to pass out the essay rubric.

When it finally came, I lifted my head from my desk and wiped the drool off it. I got out a piece of notebook paper and started writing about Lucas Robert Hemmings.

Luke Hemmings, who is not only my boyfriend, but my inspiration, is who I have chosen for this essay. We met through school. When the teacher assigned Luke to sit next to me, I only thought of him as a classmate, but I realized he was much more. He-

"Excuse me?", I asked, removing a spitball from my jacket.

I put up my hoodie and proceeded to write.

He gave me a drawing and I later realized I had fallen in love with a guitar playing, artist, singer, and an amazing person overall. I know Luke will always be there for me. He gave me a forever between the rough edges of life. I can count on Luke to protect me, and stay by me no matter what. He's perfect, what can I say?

I passed my paper forwards and I nudged Luke.

"Are you done?", I asked.

He handed me a notebook paper, with words front and back, then smiled. I held the paper in my hands and began to read it.

Brooke Terra Annigans, the love of my life. When I first met Brooke, she was shy, but not for long. I knew if I didn't hurry up, too many boys would be flirting with her, and I couldn't let that happen. After I sat down, I sketched a photo of Brooke. Gorgeous, Brooke Annigans. She blushed, and I could tell she hadn't been called beautiful in a long while, I was surprised. I invited her to the band room after school, I wrote a song about her. I drove her home and as time went on and stuff happened, she moved in with me. Our thankful bond has only expanded, not decreased. I hope I will always know, and be with Brooke Annigans because I honestly don't know what I would do without her. She knows things I wouldn't tell a soul, and I know she won't ever leave my side. She's perfect and I cry when I think of myself not next to her. I love her.

I blushed and looked at Luke and handed him back his paper. I couldn't believe for the first time in forever, I meant something to someone.

That was new.

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